
Canon Patents Crazy 18mm f/1.0 Lens and Two Ultra-Wide Angle f/1.2 Primes

So far, Canon has released only two ultra-fast primes for the full-frame mirrorless RF-mount system: the 50mm f/1.2 and two versions of the 85mm f/1.2. But judging by a recent patent filing, Canon has at least a couple more f/1.2 lenses in the works, and is even toying with the idea of a 18mm f/1.0.

Watch a Shark Breach an Underwater Photographer’s Cage

A crazy video from 2016 is making the rounds again today after photographers started sharing it on social media. The video, which was captured three years ago off the coast of Mexico, shows the crazy moment when a Great White shark accidentally breached a diving cage... while the diver/photographer was still inside.

Photo Enhancement is Starting to Get Crazy

As the worlds of artificial intelligence and digital photography collide, we're starting to see some mind-blowing technology emerge. The latest research in turning low-resolution photos into high-definition photos may drop your jaws -- it's starting to cross into the realm of sci-fi.

Wedding Photographer Asked for Refund Guarantee in Case of Divorce

You can't make this stuff up. Scrolling through Facebook last night, we ran across a screenshot of an email sent to Reddit user justinwheelon on June 4th. The couple, clearly planning ahead, asks if the photographer could add "a clause that guarantees us a refund should we ever get divorced."

Photographer Captures Air Show with Nikon 800mm and Crazy Shoulder Rig

Photographer Jim Winters of Team Nikon Miami doesn't mess around when it comes to shooting an air show. He wants to get close, and he needs to stay mobile, so he leaves his tripod at home and mounts his massive Nikon 800mm f/5.6 VR lens onto this crazy custom-built shoulder rig instead.

What It’s REALLY Like Taking Pictures at Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon had been on the top of my “must-photograph” list ever since I saw the first picture of a sunbeam penetrating the curvy, orange walls of the Arizona natural wonder. This unique beauty captivates most photographers in love of landscape photography.

This Photo Has No Red Pixels: A Fascinating Optical Illusion

I initially refused to believe it when this photo came across my feed. My eyes aren't broken! I can see they're strawberries, and they're definitely red. They have to be trolling us with this image, right?

‘Eric Cartman’ Lens Flare Photo Becomes an All-Time Top Reddit Post

From the "weird but also kind of fun" department comes one of the strangest and now most popular photos ever shared on Reddit. No, it's not some epic landscape or a mind-blowing wildlife photo... it's a shot of the London skyline with a lens flare that looks exactly like the South Park character Eric Cartman.

AP Photographer Keeps Working as Gunman Assassinates Russian Ambassador

AP photographer Burhan Ozbilici is a photojournalist incredibly dedicated to his job; so dedicated, in fact, that he kept on taking pictures when a gunman shot and killed Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov at a photo gallery in Ankara, Turkey. The photos he captured have instantly risen to iconic status.

200x Camera Zoom Lets You Read the Words on Airplanes

Here's a video that's going viral on the Web right now: Korean YouTuber MichealHrd shared this short video showing the power of a 200x camera zoom. You can zoom in on an airplane cruising by overhead and read the name of the airline on the side.

Canon Patents EF 28-560mm f/2.8-5.6L USM, Another Crazy Superzoom

Canon's on a roll with these crazy patents, and while they may not amount to much in the end, an editor can dream can't he? They already made headlines with their insane 40-800mm f/4.5-5.6 patent, and now Canon has developed an optical formula for not one, but two EF 28-560mm f/2.8-5.6 lenses.

Canon Patents Insane 40-800mm f/4.5-5.6 Lens for Full Frame Cameras

Here's another one for the "probably never going to get made but WOW" file. A month and a half after Canon patented a massive 1000mm f/5.6 DO lens and two months after the crazy 28-560mm f/2.8-5.6 patent, the company is at it again. This time they've patented an EF 40-800mm f/4.5-5.6!