
This Landscape Art Uses AR Projection to Show Beams of Light

Photographer Reuben Wu has released the final chapter of his groundbreaking Lux Noctis project, which involves lighting large-scale landscapes with drone-mounted lights. Titled "An Electric Storm," the digital artwork has an incredible physical installation that combines a print with AR light projection.

Snap is Working on AR Glasses, Selfie Drone: Report

Snap is working on its next-generation glasses that will be able to layer Snapchat lenses (which are augmented reality effects) onto the environment without needing to use a smartphone camera, according to a new report. It has also reportedly revived its plans to introduce a selfie-drone.

This Guy Figured Out How to ‘Cut and Paste’ the Real World Into Photoshop

Artist, designer and programmer Cyril Diagne recently created a bit of tech that looks more like science fiction that science fact. Using a combination of augmented reality and machine learning tech, he's figured out a way to "copy and paste" objects from the real world into Photoshop, using just a smartphone.

Apple Unveils the iMac Pro: The Most Powerful Mac Ever Made

Apple just overhauled their entire iMac lineup with better graphics, faster processors, and a killer new display. But if the "regular" iMacs just aren't quite powerful enough for you, Apple has one more release up their sleeve today: the iMac Pro.

Instagram Copies Snapchat (Again), Launches Its Own ‘Face Filters’

Arguably Snapchat's most popular feature to date is their augmented reality 'selfie filters' that allow you to augment your face with bunny ears, vomit rainbows, and occasionally trample on someone's copyright. Now, in a move absolutely everyone saw coming, Instagram has copied the feature.

How Pokémon GO Has Encouraged Me to Take More Photos

I’ve avoided writing about Pokémon GO for a whole four days, trying my best to keep from inundating the Internet with yet another think-piece. However, something interesting has happened the last two times I have played the game with friends: I have taken some exceptional photos.

LifePrint Prints Augmented Reality Photos That Come to Life in Your Hands

LifePrint is a new portable photo printer that aims to change the way photos are experienced. Instead of printing static photos that capture a single moment in time, LifePrint uses augmented reality to let you embed a video inside a printed photograph. The video can be watched by pointing a smartphone camera at the print.

EllaSnap Helps You Measure and Design Your Walls for Photo Collages

EllaSnap is a photo canvas and book making service that offers an interesting app for helping you design a photo arrangement for your walls. Instead of spending time and energy measuring your walls yourself, the app lets you easily see what your design would look like on your wall using augmented reality.

HP Live Photo App Lets You View Photos as Augmented Reality Videos

Still photographs are easy to print and share, but how would you go about sharing a video with someone physically, without having to pass them some kind of tablet computer? HP has a solution: it's called Live Photo, and is an app that uses augmented reality to view videos "embedded" in printed photographs.