
The Photos of 9/11, Twenty Years Later

Prior to the advent of social media and smartphones, and on the cusp of the shift to digital photography, the world witnessed September 11, 2001. Visually captured in a way that no single event had been documented before, 9/11 has been seared into our collective consciousness.

A 360° Panorama From Atop the World Trade Centers Shortly Before 9/11

It was a sunny day in August 2001. I was a high school student at the time, and my family had decided to take a day trip to New York City, which was about an hour away from where we were living at the time. I had been to New York many times before, but every single time, the sheer density and height of the buildings always struck me with awe.

Unseen Photos of 9/11 Attacks Found in Old Photo Album

A few years ago, a man named Liam Enea got his hands on a photo album from his late relative. Inside, he was surprised to discover a trove of never-before-seen photos captured during the infamous September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers in 2001.

Bill Biggart: The Hero Photographer Who Died Capturing 9/11

September 11, 2001, was a sunny Tuesday morning. Bill Biggart and his wife Wendy Doremus were walking their dogs in downtown Manhattan. At about 8:45 a.m., the couple noticed clouds of grey smoke forming against the clear blue New York City skyline. A passing taxi driver informed the couple that an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center.

I Was a Photographer at the Pentagon on 9/11

On an otherwise quiet and beautiful September morning, my business partner Adam Paseman and I found ourselves speeding down Route 1 in Virginia to take some photos for the Associated Press of the White House which had mistakenly been reported was on fire.

These Unseen 9/11 Photos Were Found at an Estate Sale

A giant archive of 2,400 never-before-seen 9/11 photos have been discovered on a set of CDs purchased at an estate sale. The images show workers in the wreckage of the World Trade Center towers after the September 11th, 2001, attacks in New York City.

FBI Re-Releases Lost Photos of the Pentagon from 9/11 After Glitch

About a week ago, the FBI quietly re-released a collection of photos from the 9/11 aftermath into their online records vault. The photos, which focus on the wreckage at the Pentagon, were originally published in 2011, but disappeared for some time due to a technical glitch.

Renowned Photojournalist Steve McCurry Recounts His Experience Photographing 9/11

On September 11th, 2001, photojournalist Steve McCurry found himself in his hometown of New York City when chaos started unfolding around him. Of course, we all now know of this day for the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers, but at the time, it was a blur of events that even McCurry’s vast experience as a photojournalist hadn’t necessarily prepared him for.

Award-Winning Photographer James Estrin On Capturing the Spiritual Experiences that Underlie Everyday Life

Throughout his career as a New York Times photographer, James Estrin has capture some in credibly powerful photography.

With assignments ranging from capturing the Ground Zero memorial being opened on the one-year anniversary of 9/11, to something as seemingly mundane as capturing photos of the elderly residents who use Meals On Wheels, Estrin takes a unique approach to his photos, attempting to capture a spiritual experience in every moment of life.

Cinematic Photos Honor First Responders: The Heroes Who Don’t Wear Capes

Update: Brandon has uploaded the EMS photo below to the Saving Eliza SmugMug sale! Very appropriate that a photo of people who save lives be sold to help raise money to save a life! Click here to purchase a print of Brandon's photo and help raise money for Eliza.

Photographer Brandon Cawood's images of first responders look like they belong on movie posters, but the people in them are the actual heroes that we have to thank for taking care of us when we get hurt or are in trouble. The series is called "Not All Wear Capes," and if you have a friend or relative who is a first responder you should definitely send them a link.

One of Those Shots… September 13, 2001

I was divorced about a week, so it was perhaps understandable that I was already feeling a little shellshocked when I started another day of work as an advertising photographer at Filenes in Boston on September 11, 2001.

9/11 Photographed From the International Space Station

When the September 11th terrorist attacks happened exactly 11 years ago today, NASA astronaut Frank Culpertson was the only American not on planet Earth. Looking down at New York City from the International Space Station, he managed to snap the powerful photo above (high res here), showing the smoke plume from the World Trade Center site.

The Idea is That People Should Look A Certain Way in the Face of Tragedy

During the 9/11 attacks in NYC, Magnum photographer Thomas Hoepker shot what is perhaps the most controversial image created that day: a photo that appears to show a group of young people casually enjoying themselves while the World Trade Center burns in the background. Hoepker kept the image under wraps for four years and then caused quite a stir after publishing it in a 2006 book. Columnist Frank Rich wrote in the New York Times that "The young people in Mr. Hoepker’s photo aren’t necessarily callous. They’re just American."