Search Results for: eclipse

Photographing Antarctica: Penguins, Seals, and a Total Solar Eclipse

Antarctica is a bucket list destination for countless landscape and wildlife photographers, and for good reason. Dramatic, jagged mountain peaks rise high over colonies consisting of millions of penguins living on the frozen earth below. While photographing Antarctica is a rare experience in itself, photographing a total solar eclipse in Antarctica is akin to winning the lottery.

A Composite Photo of the Longest Partial Lunar Eclipse of the Century

The longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years occurred this week, and photographers around the world did their best to capture the once-in-a-lifetime event on camera. Photographer Andrew McCarthy went the extra mile by staying up until 4am and capturing thousands of photos to create an incredible composite of the eclipse.

This 2021 Solar Eclipse Timelapse Was Made from 50,000 Photos

In the morning hours of June 10th, a "ring of fire" solar eclipse greeted sky observers in the northeast United States, northern Canada, Europe, northern Asia, Russia and Greenland. While most photographers captured single photos of the eclipse, Göran Strand decided to show the entirety of the rare eclipse from his backyard in Östersund, Sweden.

How I Shot This Lunar Eclipse Sequence In Camera, On Film

G’day from Australia, my name is Jason De Freitas ( on Instagram), and I’m a photographer mostly known for my analog astrophotography. In this article, I’ll describe the process and decisions I went through to take this lunar eclipse multi-exposure sequence on medium format film.

How to Photograph a Total Lunar Eclipse

You're about to learn everything you need to photograph a lunar eclipse, including the upcoming total lunar eclipse on May 26, 2021. Everything!

This Wicked Sunrise Was Shot During a Solar Eclipse

Here's an unusual sunrise that was captured a few days ago in Qatar. A solar eclipse was underway as the Sun began rising above the horizon, making the Sun look like it was split into two pieces (and like red horns rising into the sky).

This is the World’s First Hyperlapse of a Solar Eclipse from 165,000ft

In August of 2017, the team at Sent Into Space travelled to Fort Laramie, Wyoming to capture something incredible for the BBC. Using a high-altitude weather balloon and a 360° camera array, they captured what they claim is "the world's first hyperlapse of an eclipse from the edge of space."

How I Shot a Time-Lapse of the Total Solar Eclipse in Argentina

One of the best things time-lapse photography has given me is my interest in astronomy. When I started shooting the night sky, I needed to learn basic astronomy in order to understand what I was photographing. Thanks to that, I was able to capture a time-lapse of the total solar eclipse this past July 2nd in Córdoba, Argentina.

What I Learned from Capturing My First Total Solar Eclipse

Last week I made the long trip from the UK to Chile in the hopes of capturing my first total solar eclipse. I had experienced a cloudy total solar eclipse from the UK in 1999 but back then I was just 9 years old and certainly no photographer. Now that I’m apparently a professional landscape astrophotographer, a total solar eclipse was a gaping hole in my portfolio.

Curiosity Rover Captures Two Solar Eclipses on Mars

Photographers have captured many awe-inspiring photos of solar eclipses in recent years. But Earth isn't the only planet photos are being shot from: NASA's Curiosity rover has captured some beautiful solar eclipse photos over the past few weeks from the surface of Mars.

Lunar Eclipse Video Catches Meteorite Hitting the Moon

During the super blood wolf moon total lunar eclipse on Monday, cameras pointed at the moon captured the first known sighting of a meteorite slamming into the shadow-covered moon. This 24-second video of the impact was released by Jose Maria Madiedo at the University of Huelva in Spain.