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A vintage black camera with a large silver lens is displayed against a gray background featuring faint outlines of various camera models. The camera has several dials and buttons on its top surface. The lens is prominently extended towards the viewer.

The Fascinating History of Leica Copies, From Braun to Zorki

Throughout photographic history, few cameras have had the kind of defining influence that can compare to the original Barnack Leica. It’s only natural that the industry of the time would react impulsively to the arrival of such a new, exciting, and innovative breed of camera – which is exactly what happened.

The Nikon logo, featuring stylized white text against a yellow background, is flanked by a pair of vivid, fiery orange wings on a black background.

A Phoenix Rising From the Ashes: How Nikon Found Its Way Back to Profit

Although Nikon was founded nearly 107 years ago and has been ubiquitous in the photography space for much of that time, the company is not far removed from financial troubles that threatened to reduce the company to ruin. Through shrewd decisions and great new Nikon Z cameras and lenses, Nikon has safely moved from the brink.

Front exterior of a neoclassical building featuring a row of Corinthian columns and the engraving "Equal Justice Under Law" on the frieze.

Supreme Court Rules That Copyright Damages Have No Time Limit

The United States Supreme Court rejected a lower court's ruling that there is a three-year time limit to claim damages from copyright infringement. All claims, even those that occurred decades previously, are fair game as long as the lawsuit is filed within three years of discovery.

Three playful images of animals enjoying snow: a dog jumping exuberantly, a cat with its tail sticking up while half-buried, and a rabbit with only its ears visible above the snow.

The 30 Comedy Pet Photo Awards Finalists Are Adorable and Hilarious

Satisfying the large cross-section of people who love their pets and enjoy a hearty laugh, the annual Comedy Pet Photo Awards is a consistent and prolific source of joy. The finalists for the 2024 competition have been unveiled, starring athletic dogs, troublesome cats, and all manner of other hilarious pets.

A panoramic view of traditional windmills on a meadow during nighttime, beautifully illuminated by colorful aurora borealis stretching across the sky in pink, green, and purple hues.

How I Shot Viral Photos of the Aurora Over Dutch Windmills

Last Friday I was able to take photos I only thought were only possible in my dreams. As a professional landscape photographer, I have seen my fair share of beautiful northern lights in the Arctic, but I’ve always dreamed of seeing a strong aurora display in the Netherlands.

Groundbreaking Images Reveal the Human Brain at Nanoscale Resolution

A digital rendering of a complex network of colorful intertwined lines and dots, representing a microscopic view or a neural network, with hues of blue, gold, and red dominating the image.

For something as instrumental to all human existence and experience as the brain, many aspects of it remain thoroughly mysterious. Thanks to groundbreaking new digital images, models, and 3D maps created by Google Research and scientists at Harvard University, the physical structure of the brain has never been so clear.