
A man with a camera and a backpack in an orange jacket stands in an empty airport terminal, gazing out large windows, with departure gates and clear sky in the background.

Flying with Lithium Batteries: What You Need to Know

As many of us, including myself, prepare to travel this summer, we -- as photographers -- tend to carry a lot of lithium batteries for our photography gear. After all, we aren’t going to check our precious and pricey cameras, lenses, and other equipment. Naturally, batteries are a necessary component of any photographer’s kit, whether they be camera batteries, lithium-ion AA or AAA batteries, or something else.

What It’s Like to Photograph a Global Launch Campaign for Tamron

Most people don’t actually know what it means when I say I’m a “travel photographer,” it is usually met with a confused look and followed up by some variation of the question, "do you mean you travel for free?” or “who even pays you to travel?”

Is Travel Photography Dead?

Okay, I know the title of this article sounds a bit clickbaity -- and to be honest, it is. Proclaiming anything to “be dead” always sounds alarmist. But really, I don’t see a bright future for the medium I love.

21 Questions with Michael Runkel: The ‘Most-Traveled’ Photographer Alive

Travel photographer Michael Runkel has visited every country on Earth and shows no signs of slowing down. The German native chats with photographer Trey Bohn about going to outer space, the coronavirus outbreak, what makes a good travel photo, and why long-term travel with kids doesn’t suck.

Getting Mugged in Colombia as a Travel Photographer

As a travel photographer, I'm often asked if I've ever been robbed or had any negative experiences in far-flung corners of the world, Previously I didn't have much to talk about, but after a recent trip to Colombia, that changed…

How Misconceptions Can Affect Your Travel Photography Project

There is a particular obstacle that stands in the way of almost all travel, documentary and cultural photographers alike and, for some reason, no one seems to be willing to talk about it -- so I'm going to.

I Photographed the Wonders of North America on a 15,000 Mile Trip

Back in September 2016, I decided to fulfill my dream of traveling and photographing North America. Without any set itinerary, I hit the road and ended up driving and flying more than 24,000km (~15,000mi), experiencing some of the most amazing scenery and adventures.

8 Tips for Leaving a Light Footprint as a Travel Photographer

“Take only photos, leave nothing but footprints.” We've probably all heard the saying, but what does it mean? Basically 'take only photos, leave nothing but footprints' means to make as little impact on an environment as possible.

Composition Tips: How to Capture that ‘National Geographic Style’

Renowned travel photographer Bob Holmes says he shoots in a "National Geographic style." A style that he describes as not about the photographer, but about the subject; a style that is graphic, and features a strong use of color. And in this video, he shares some composition tips that will help you capture some of that iconic style in your photos as well.

How I Make Money as a Travel Photographer in 2015

Long gone are the days in which being a travel photographer simply meant you shot photography for a certain travel magazine or newspaper. The world isn't that simple anymore, and the level of competition in the photography world has never been higher. But still, I'm fairly sure there are more “travel photographers” on the planet now than there ever were -- just check your Instagram feeds.

So, if travel photography as a traditional career is dying, than how are these people making their money? Well, I wish I could give you the answer to that question, but I can't. These days, everyone has a different method of money-making. All I can do is tell you my story, and how I manage to keep from sleeping under a bridge every night -- though barely.