
This Official Canon Teddy Bear Comes with Its Own DSLR

Some parents try to get their kids to fall in love with photography from an early age. If you are a diehard Canon shooter who wants your child to share that same loyalty in their formative years, look no further than this official Canon teddy bear.

Watch Pro Photographers Try to Shoot with a $22 Bunny Camera

In a bit of a call back to the classic DigitalRev TV "Pro Tog Cheap Camera Challenge," YouTuber Jessica Kobeissi enlisted one of her professional photographer friends for a special photo challenge: get the best possible campaign/editorial photos using only a $22 bunny camera. Hilarity ensues...

5 Tips for Shooting ‘Explosive’ Toy Photos on a Budget

Kirk Schwarz over at Practical Photography recently put together a short tips video for anybody who wants to get into toy photography. If you've never taken these kinds of photos but have always wanted to try, you'll find Schwarz' tips for shooting an "explosive" toy photo on a budget in the video above.

How to Shoot Explosive Toy Photos

Toy photography is a really fun way to create really epic-looking images on a tiny scale. It really hones your skills as a photographer, as lighting and action are what makes this look so dynamic and amazing.

Shooting an Action Photo of a Toy Fighter Plane

Have you ever found yourself looking at your children's toys and thought to yourself, "Man that would look great in an image?" Well I have, I do, and I love creating images this way, trying to create a realistic/surreal image which tells a story from using nothing more than a piece of plastic.