
Death Valley National Park Landscape Photography

How to Leverage a Clear, Cloudless Sky in Your Landscape Photos

If the weather forecast shows clear skies and bright sunlight, it doesn't mean photographers should abandon their plans for a landscape shoot. Photographer Michael Shainblum has shared tips on how he leverages these weather conditions to come home with a successful set of photos.

Food Props

6 Versatile Food Photography Props That You Already Own

When starting out as a food photographer, it’s tempting to go all-out on prop shopping. You can end up spending an absurd amount of money on delicate handmade props thinking that they will single-handedly turn our photos into something spectacular.

Tips for getting started in film photography

How to Get Started in Film Photography

We’re beginning to see a resurgence in film photography and for those of you who are looking to get into it but have no experience, it can be hard to decide where to start.

best sitting poses for portraits

3 Best Poses for Sitting Portraits of Women

Portraits of sitting subjects can make up a big portion of a gallery, particularly for those who shoot indoors. To help avoid shooting unflattering poses, photographer and educator Jessica Whitaker has shared her best tips on how to capture seated women looking their best.

How to Sell Your Used Camera Gear

Camera gear. As photographers, we all love and obsess over our beloved gear; the bodies, lenses, filters, and accessories. Many of us develop a collector’s mindset and tend to amass multiple pieces of gear. 

Street Photography Tips

5 Essential Tips and Techniques for Better Street Photography

Street photography is a category of photography that is dear to my heart. It’s the first category of photography that I tried to learn and master and over the many years, I’ve learned many skills and techniques.

13 Tips for Photographing Tiny Spring Flowers

Spring is around the corner and the little flowers start to pop up everywhere. This article focuses on how to photograph these little flowers with a macro lens.

Photographer Captures Gorgeous Bird Photos in Her Own Backyard

During the spring and summer of 2021, I did not do a lot of photography in places other than my backyard. I have always spent some time photographing birds in my yard, with my favorite subject being the blue jay.

How to Achieve Moody and Emotional Portrait Photography

Some of the most enticing shots in portrait photography depict darker emotions, adding in elements of storytelling that include our shadow sides, and show the subject as a complex human. Portrait, documentary, and news photographers rely on emotions to draw viewers in.

The Best Time of Day to Take Outdoor Portrait Photos

When is the best time of day to shoot portrait photos outdoors? Should we shoot only during the golden hours and avoid midday altogether, or is it better to use the brightest daylight hours to take our portraits with a few simple light modifiers? In this guide, we explore the best times of day for outdoor portraits.

Why Clients Won't Like Your Portrait Photos

3 Reasons Clients Won’t Like Your Portrait Photos (And How to Fix Them)

There is nothing more devastating for a portrait photographer than when a client doesn’t like your photos. You train for years, buy the best equipment possible, and come to your session with 100% dedication to providing the best possible experience... and then you get that feedback.

A photographer's reflection in a window on the street in Budapest

Street Photography: A Complete Guide

Street photography is an age-old photography genre that is both popular and sometimes controversial. However, contrary to the reputation some prominent street photographers give the genre, there is way more to photographing streets than being aggressive and confrontational -- it can also be a relaxing, creative, and freeing experience for both amateurs and experienced shooters alike.

40 Tips to Take Better Photos in 2024

Many years ago when I was a starry-eyed undergrad I would ask every photographer I came across the same question: "How do I take better photos?" I was extremely lucky to have many talented and generous photographers take me under their wing to show me the ropes. Without their valuable advice, there is no way I would have become the photographer I am today.

What to Check for When Buying a Used Film Camera and Lens

As with buying anything secondhand, it is a good idea to have a good idea of what to look for when buying a used film camera lest you spend money on one that has major problems. Thankfully, there are some simple ways to check for problems in film cameras and their lenses... including smelling them.

How to Use Curves Effectively in Capture One 22

The Tone Curve in Capture One 22 is by far my favorite tool to edit images, but it's usually one of the most difficult commands to get to grips with. It can definitely be one of your most valuable assets if you want to improve your editing skills.

Festive Food Photography: Shooting with Christmas Lights

If you're wondering how you can shoot some stunning Christmas food photography, try shooting with holiday festive lights. In this video, I will go through in detail how to shoot with Christmas fairy lights. These lights will bring some festive spirit to your food photography and add sparkle to your Instagram feed this holiday season.

Tips for Capturing Humanity in Street Photos

Henri Cartier-Bresson, the "father" of street photography, believed that the mission of the photographer was to patiently and deliberately wait with camera in hand for that unique instant that will never again be repeated. He identified this time as the photographer’s Decisive Moment.

A photographer holding a camera

5 Bad Habits I Had as a Photographer (and How I Overcame Them)

As photographers, we tend to get used to doing things one way or another. Over time, these turn into habits that we rarely question. But sometimes it’s good to take a step back and evaluate our approach to the art. Here are some bad habits that I personally developed as a photographer and how I worked to resolve them.

A sad photographer holding his head in his hands

6 Signs You Don’t Have What It Takes To Be a Pro Photographer

Being a professional photographer is often a flashy “seemingly easy” career in which anyone with a camera and a lens can succeed. But why then do so many fail? Having talked to many successful photographers, I’ve noticed certain patterns that they all share.

Using a Flash for Insect Photography

I've shot thousands of pics of insects without flash and tens of thousands with flash. When the lighting is bright and sunny, the results can be good without flash. But when I venture out in pursuit of photo ops, I often encounter poorly lighted situations which are better with flash. If you study the work of experienced insect photographers, you'll find that most of them use flash.