
How to Photograph Perfume Bottles with a Single Speedlight

High-end product photography can be done with fewer resources than many might think if you add creativity and careful execution. Here's a 7-minute video from Dustin Dolby of workphlo that shows you how you can take professional perfume bottle photos in a studio with a single speedlight.

I Took These Photos in My Dining Room

Product photography is something that I've always been interested in, but never saw myself making a career out of. However... when I do get to take product photos, I do enjoy it quite a lot.

Make a DIY Automated Turntable for Product Photography

Here's a 2-minute tutorial overview from Circuito that will show you how to make your own automated turntable for photography. With the ability to start, stop, and trigger the camera all by itself, this turntable is great for people looking for a streamlined product photo workflow.

KOBRA is a New Flash Modifier Hoping to Make a Splash in a Crowded Market

The KOBRA is a new flash modifier that's hoping to be a "game-changer" in an already crowded market. The brainchild of photographer Paul McKelvey, the KOBRA has just been launched on Kickstarter. McKelvey was frustrated with the results of what's currently on the market, so he created the KOBRA to "paint with light, not spray."

How to Use a Tube Light as an Invisible Softbox

Want to try out product photography but can't afford a softbox? They can be expensive pieces of kit, but invisible ones cost a lot less. In this 6-minute video by Leo Rosas, learn how to use a cheap tube light as a makeshift softbox.

How to Photograph Glassware on a Pure White Background

Glassware makes for beautifully contrasting shapes on a white background. Taken under studio lighting, this high-key style of photography looks really impressive. If you're into product photography, then this 8-minute tutorial by photographer Dustin Dolby of workphlo is one you will want to watch.

How to Capture a Bold Wine Bottle Photo with a Single Speedlight

If you're interested in product photography, Dustin Dolby's channel workphlo is definitely worth a bookmark. Using minimal equipment, he's able to capture distinct looks like this makeup shot, and in this tutorial he'll show you how a single speedlight can produce a bold beautiful wine bottle photo that looks 100% pro.

How to Shoot a Professional Wine Photo with Speedlights and a Kit Lens

This simple step-by-step tutorial comes to us from Dustin Dolby of Workphlo, who's got a knack for shooting high-end product photography with minimal gear. This time, he's showing us how to quickly and easily capture a professional wine photograph using just two speedlights and a kit lens.

How to Shoot a High-End Cosmetics Photo with Cheap Speedlights

If we wrote it once, we've written it a thousand times: you don't need expensive equipment to capture high-quality studio photography. As photographer Dustin Dolby of Workphlo demonstrates in this video, even that expensive cosmetics look is doable with cheap speedlights... and skill.

How to Build a Great DIY Lightbox for Under $50

There are a ton of options out there for building your own product photography lightbox, but this is one of the simplest and most functional creations we've seen. For under $50, you can build it for yourself.