
Rediscovering Sarah Stup and 35mm Film

Sarah Stup is an award-winning autism advocate and author who is working on her latest book, tentatively titled "My Autism, My Journal."

Under an Open Sky, Nicola Tröhler

Captivating Photo Series Combines the Natural and Surreal

Photographer and filmmaker Nicola Tröhler spent time off and on over the past two years designing and shooting a high-concept photo series, Under an Open Sky. Tröhler tells PetaPixel how he developed and shot the series and more about his artistic vision for the striking images.

Yellowstone National Park 150th Anniversary Photos

See 150 Years of Yellowstone National Park in Photos

Yellowstone National Park was established as the United States' first national park in 1872. To celebrate its 150th year, National Geographic has published a series of photos captured over that time of what is often called America's Wonderland.

See the Rarely-Photographed Beauty of Winter in Ladakh, India

Venkitesh Ramachandran is a photographer and IT professional based in India who noticed very few images of the Ladakh region of India are widely shared, and even fewer that feature the beauty of its winter months, likely due to the harshness of the climate which can get as cold as -18 degrees Celcius.

I Chose to Document the Final Months of My Grandparents’ Lives

I never set out to make this book nor did I have a plan for the images as I was making them. The photos were a way for me to process what was happening in front of me. This story is about my grandparents, it's about loss, and it's about dementia.

Striking Long Exposures Document Life on a Holy River Though Clouds of Migratory Birds

For Delhi-based photographer Sankar Sridhar, the Yamuna river represents a contradiction that he wanted to capture. Choked by industrial and household waste, it's devoid of aquatic life; and yet, every winter, millions of migratory birds come to the legendary river, which is revered as the only river with the power to grant immortality to humans.

Landscape of Lament: Capturing the Process of Grief After My Father’s Passing

My father spent his later years in the home where he was born in the north of Ireland. It is a place that is steeped in tradition and is highly polarized due to the division between the two main communities of nationalists and Unionists. He was the youngest of a family of six boys and one girl, most of whom emigrated to Canada, New Zealand, and England.

Intimate Portraits of New Mothers Capture the Beauty of Postpartum Bodies

When Alberta based photographer Meagan Elemans became a mother, she had no idea the toll that postpartum would take on her both her body and her emotions. But rather than bury these feelings and stay silent, she chose to use her skills behind the camera to capture this beautiful and difficult time in a new mother's journey.

I Built a Replica Chinese Takeout Restaurant in My Photo Studio

My name is Nicky Hamilton, I’m a photographer from London. In-between commercial work I produce fine art photography, specializing in cinematic set builds, which unlike my commercial work is done solo, the set design, build, photography, styling, and retouching. It started this way as a means to an end but then blossomed to become a meditative process that’s creatively very fulfilling for me.

How I Shot a Photo Series Based on The Twilight Zone

I had been itching to do a composite photo series for quite some time. It’s something I had never actually done up to this point, but I was and currently am a huge admirer of the art form. I’ve been following the great composite photographers like Dave Hill and Drew Lundquist for the past several years.

This Artist Matches Pantone Swatches to Real Life

Pantone’s quest is to become the universal language of color. The Pantone Matching System allows printers everywhere in the world to ensure they’re producing colors accurately. Artist and graphic designer Andrea Antoni has found a different use for this language of color: matching it to photographs taken in his home country of Italy.