Drones and Pyrotechnics Combine in an Incredible Light Painting Series

Jadikan 'Phénomènes' photo series

French visual artist Jadikan has long been passionate about photography. Since 2005, he has integrated light painting into his photography, and the technique is heavily utilized throughout Jadikan’s impressive portfolio.

Jadikan has started a new series called Phénomènes, or “Phenomena” in English, that combines light painting techniques, drones, fireworks, and beautiful landscapes.

Jadikan equipped drones with flammable powder to create the stunning photo series. While the pyrotechnics release sparks beneath the drone, Jadikan captures long-exposure photographs from the ground.

Jadikan 'Phénomènes' photo series

“I sought to bring a new dimension of poetry and spirituality to the landscape through this series,” he tells PetaPixel.

Jadikan 'Phénomènes' photo series

Jadikan adds that he explores the landscape as both a subject and a canvas on which he can paint light. To prepare for his images, Jadikan explores and scouts locations during the day, trying to imagine what they will look like at night, and carefully plan the precise framing he’ll utilize later.

Jadikan 'Phénomènes' photo series

“In each photograph, you can follow a circle of fire that wanders from landscape to landscape to transform them into unknown and lunar places. This round shape inspires unity and harmony in the images while provoking a feeling of strangeness,” Jadikan explains.

Jadikan 'Phénomènes' photo series

He aims to provide the viewer with a sense of familiarity by using real landscapes. However, the fireworks-equipped drone disrupts the typical view of the scene, which Jadikan hopes will inspire people’s imaginations.

Jadikan 'Phénomènes' photo series

While Jadikan has utilized drones in his work before, including for his AGFA — Pont a Marcq series, Phénomènes breaks new ground for the French artist, and the results are spectacular.

Jadikan 'Phénomènes' photo series

Images from Phénomènes will be on exhibit alongside more of Jadikan’s light painting work in an upcoming show, “Dimensions Lumières,” from May 20 through July 8, 2023. The show will be hosted by Le VOG Centre d’art Contemporain in Fontaine, France.

PetaPixel’sLight Painting: A Complete Guide” delivers all the tips and techniques photographers need to try light painting for themselves. However, for advice on using drones for photography, photographers should read PetaPixel’sDrone Landscape Photography” guide. PetaPixel has previously highlighted how photographers can use drones for light painting in its spotlight of Will Ferguson’s brilliant work.

More of Jadikan’s work is available on his website and Instagram.

Image credits: Jadikan
