
The Winning Photos of Nat Geo Nature Photographer of the Year 2017

National Geographic has announced the winning photos of its prestigious 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year contest. The grand prize winner, selected from over 11,000 entries, is the photo above by Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan showing a male orangutan peering from behind a tree while crossing a river in Borneo, Indonesia.

Is This Eclipse Photo #FakeNews?

Much ado about nothing or a serious ethical breach of photojournalistic norms? A debate emerged on Facebook when freelancer and Pulitzer Prize winner Ken Geiger’s image appeared in the National Geographic Instagram feed and in a slideshow on the NatGeo website. The image was a composite of multiple images created in-camera that resulted in an photo that never existed because the eclipse was never positioned against the Tetons as depicted.

What It Takes to Photograph Nepalese Honey Hunters for Nat Geo

National Geographic's Renan Ozturk is an adventure photographer and filmmaker who will stop at nothing to get the perfect shot. Really. This 9-minute behind-the-scenes video looks at how he shot The Last Honey Hunter, a film documenting the painstaking process of harvesting hallucinogenic honey from cliff faces in Nepal.

These Signed NatGeo Prints are On Sale Until Earth Day

You can deny climate change, but you can’t deny that these are pretty sweet images. In honor of Earth Day, National Geographic Creative is holding a flash print sale of 22 different images by some of their top photographers. Did I mention the prints are signed?

Photographers Angry with Nat Geo for Posting Train Track Photo

National Geographic is being heavily criticized by photographers across the globe for posting a train track portrait on their 74.9 million follower Instagram account. This, less than a month after the last widely-reported train track photoshoot death took over the headlines.

How to Shoot Street Photography While Traveling

One of my passions in life is travel. I love to travel, experience new cultures, try new foods, meet new people and, of course, take photos while I’m traveling.

Here Are the Best Travel Photos of 2016

National Geographic has selected the winning photos of 2016 for its prestigious Travel Photographer of the Year photo contest. The grand prize photo, captured by Anthony Lau and shown above, is titled "Winter Horseman" and shows a horseman at work in Inner Mongolia.

Composition Tips: How to Capture that ‘National Geographic Style’

Renowned travel photographer Bob Holmes says he shoots in a "National Geographic style." A style that he describes as not about the photographer, but about the subject; a style that is graphic, and features a strong use of color. And in this video, he shares some composition tips that will help you capture some of that iconic style in your photos as well.

Video: Polar Bear Charges a Nat Geo Photographer

National Geographic photographer Cory Richards was recently shooting at Franz Josef Land in the Russian Arctic, just 560 miles from the North Pole, when he was charged by a polar bear that spotted him in the distance. You can see footage of the scary encounter in the 2-minute video above.

Using Photos to Document the Plight of Vultures, the ‘Antiheroes of Our Ecosystems’

If you want to see a photojournalist who cares deeply about the subject they're covering, watch this 3-minute National Geographic video. In it, photographer Charlie Hamilton James discusses his photos of vultures -- one of the fastest declining families of birds in history, and what James calls "the world's forgotten environmental disaster."

James photographed vultures in South Africa from all kinds of perspectives, from placing cameras inside carcasses to shooting the remains of vultures -- one of the most trafficked animals in the world -- being sold in street markets.

Here Are the Winning Photos of the 2015 National Geographic Photo Contest

National Geographic just announced the 2015 winners for its prestigious photo contest. Over 13,000 entries were received from around the world, and just 13 photos were chosen from that number for special recognition.

The grand prize winner this year was photographer James Smart of Melbourne, Australia, who won $10,000 and a trip to Washington, D.C. for the photo above, titled "DIRT."

National Geographic Lays Off 9% of Staff to Begin Its New Life Under Fox

National Geographic is laying off 9% of its 2,000 employees as it prepares to finalize its "expanded partnership" with 21st Century Fox, a $725 million deal that turns the iconic yellow-bordered magazine into a for-profit publication. The roughly 180 layoffs reportedly represent the largest reduction in the 127-year history of the Society.

National Geographic Indonesia to Publish First Photo-less Cover on Climate Change Issue

National Geographic Indonesia is attracting attention this week after revealing the cover of the November 2015 issue. The special edition issue is about climate change, and it will be the first issue of National Geographic Indonesia to be published without a cover photo or illustration.

Instead, the cover is dominated by stark text that roughly translates to: "Sorry: There are no beautiful images of climate change. Can we survive?"

The Magic of Winning a National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

In 2013, my then-girlfriend Martina and I were in Queenstown, New Zealand at the end of a two-month trip. The evening before our journey back home, we went out for a walk, absorbing the magical streets.

At one point in the stroll, my attention was drawn to a busking pianist on the Marine Parade. The music was so amazing, and we lingered for a few minutes just listening to the man play and observing the quiet and melancholy scene (even though we needed to start packing).