
Sigma Unveils 105mm f/2.8 DG DN Macro Lens for Mirrorless Cameras

This morning, Sigma officially unveiled its much-anticipated 105mm f/2.8 DG DN Macro lens for full-frame mirrorless cameras. This is Sigma's first Art-series Macro lens for a mirrorless system, and it's been optically re-designed from the ground up to deliver "exceptional sharpness and pleasing bokeh."

This Stunning Supermacro Timelapse Captures the Hidden Beauty of Mold

Even the most mundane, unremarkable, or sometimes disgusting phenomena take on a totally new life when viewed at a supermacro scale. Case in point, a new timelapse film dubbed "The Rise of Molds" captures the mesmerizing growth of a subject we've all at one time or another cut out of a slice of bread or scrubbed off our bathroom walls: mold.

6 Creative Macro Photography Ideas You Probably Haven’t Seen Before

Ever since the beginning of the pandemic (and, really, the beginning of photography), macro photography tutorials have all sort of blended together. The subject matter and techniques are often pretty similar: flowers, bugs, coins, etc. COOPH wanted to change that with their latest "ideas" video.

5 Reasons to Pick Up a Vintage Macro Lens

Photographer and YouTuber Mark Holtze has put together a quick video that offers some advice for beginners or other photographers on a budget. Specifically, he shares his top five reasons why you should go out and buy a vintage macro lens.

How to Create Photos of Miniature Worlds Using Household Items

A couple of months ago, photographer and YouTuber Chris Hau stumbled across the miniature world photography of Erin Sullivan and was absolutely blown away. So he decided to try out this style for himself and show you exactly what you need to do to start capturing these miniature worlds at home.

NiSi Unveils Its First Macro Focusing Rail for Precise Focus Stacking

Cinema lens and filter maker NiSi continues its expansion into strange product categories. This time, the company has released its first macro focusing rail: a competitively-priced addition to the market that gives macro enthusiasts a lot of control and some nice-to-have features for precise focus stacking.

Photographer Uses DIY Reflecting Pool to Capture Beautiful Flower Photos

Landscape photographer Lewis Carlyle was recently trying to figure out a photo project to do at home, when he came up with a totally unique, never-before-tried idea: close-up photos of flowers. Okay, fine, it's not exactly revolutionary, but he did manage to put an interesting twist on the concept and create some beautiful images in the process.

Macro Lens Test: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Laowa, Sigma, and Tamron Compared

Photographer Christopher Frost has put together one of the most comprehensive and detailed macro lens shootouts we've ever seen. In this video he tests the latest 100mm (ish) f/2.8 macro lenses from Canon, Nikon, Sony, Sigma, Tamron, and Laowa to see how they compare in terms of build, usability and performance.

How a Weird Lens Helped Me Fall Back in Love with Landscape Photography

I've been an amateur landscape photographer for some time now. I remember fondly my first years in the field—I loved roaming around and shooting like mad. I even started getting good at it. Year by year, though, I found myself shooting less and less.

Finding Inspiration in the Limitation

As a professional outdoor photographer, my mind had been in a place of backcountry skiing, snow photography and ramping up for spring commercial projects—the same place it has been every March for years. I like this time of year, it feels like my fitness, my vision and my bandwidth all line up to result in outdoor missions and photography that really feed the soul, and the bank account.

Impressive Drone Shot of Lounging Seals Wins Nature TTL Photo Contest

Nature TTL—the online nature photography resource—has revealed the winners of their newly minted "Photographer of the Year" awards, and oh man did the community deliver. From stunning aerial shots to a life-and-death struggle between a Pelican and its prey, there's a lot to love here.

Shooting Stacked Macro Photography on a Budget

Need a photo project while confined to your home for weeks due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic? Here is a guide on shooting stacked macro photography on a budget!

Long Term Review: Two Years with the Laowa 25mm 2.5-5x Ultra Macro Lens

Two years ago, Venus Optics sent macro photographer Thomas Shahan their Laowa 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra Macro lens for testing. Now, after two continuous years of real-world use and testing, he's finally gotten around to sharing his thoughts in a thoughtful review that will be a huge help to any extreme macro photographers who are considering this lens.

Refracted Rose: A Fun Valentine’s Day Macro Photography Idea

It's Valentine's Day and a good opportunity to grab some flowers and celebrate our love for photography with another creative project. I didn’t want to miss my chance, so I grabbed some red roses and in today’s post I will share my set-up for a Valentine's Day 'Refracted Rose' photo.

How to Shoot Creative Macro Photos of Skeleton Leaves

Today we are going to use skeleton leaves and glycerin for a creative macro project. Skeleton leaves are fascinating and intricate structures that make great subjects for macro photography and creative projects.

Making My Own DIY Super-Wide-Angle Macro Lens

As we know, wide angle lenses show a larger field of view and therefore make things appear smaller and further away than they are. Which contradicts the concept of macro photography, where we want our subject to be projected onto the sensor at a magnification ratio of at least 1.0x. So how can we combine a wide angle perspective and macro macro-capabilities?

Back from the Drawing Board: Mitakon 85mm 1x-5x Macro Lens Redesigned

Late last year, macro photographers rejoiced at the announcement of a worthy competitor to the Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1x-5x macro lens, which has been heralded as the best high-magnification macro lens since its release in 1999. The Mitakon 85mm f/2.8 1x-5x lens held a lot of promise, but it was immediately apparent that something was wrong.