
This Night Sky Timelapse is Not What It Seems

Here's a beautiful new short film titled "Night Light" by UK-based photographer and filmmaker Arthur Cauty. While it may look like timelapse photography, it's actually comprised entirely of still photos with motion and lighting added in.

How to Shoot ‘Underwater’ Portraits Without Anyone Getting Wet

For a long time, I have been building sets or props for my images, which in time developed into making and selling furniture as a hobby business. I thought it about time I made videos detailing the process of those builds and the “high budget” results that can be achieved with little financial outlay and a little DIY.

These Surreal Photos Were All Created Without Photoshop

Photographer John Dykstra says he believes in the power of perspective. His surreal photo style is created entirely with practical effects and simple ingredients -- things like paint, chalk, and glass -- rather than digital image manipulation techniques.

Photos of Mushroom Clouds Made of Mushrooms

For their new project The Fallout of the Food System, photographer Henry Hargreaves and stylist Caitlin Levin created photos to capture the threat of nuclear war to the global food system. The series shows images of mushroom clouds created with actual mushrooms.

Artists Delete Graffiti Photoshop-style with a Painted Illusion

Now this is clever: a group of street artists in Russia have "deleted" the graffiti covering a dumpster and abandoned car with a clever anamorphic illusion. Using paint, the artists covered the graffiti with Photoshop's transparency checkerboard to make it look like someone had cut out the graffiti from a layer in Photoshop.

This Forest Mirror Illusion is Bending People’s Minds

Stop-motion animator Kevin Parry has shared a clever little video illusion titled "Walk in the Woods" that has a lot of people scratching their heads. It's a loop that shows Parry repeatedly walking into a mirror in a forest and emerging out "the other side."

This Photo Has No Red Pixels: A Fascinating Optical Illusion

I initially refused to believe it when this photo came across my feed. My eyes aren't broken! I can see they're strawberries, and they're definitely red. They have to be trolling us with this image, right?

Fake Food Photos Made with Random Household Things

Kristina Lechner of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is a fake-food photographer (not to be confused with a fake food-photographer). Her project Food Not Food is a series of tasty photos in which everything in the frame is something inedible that was found around the house.

How to Create Water Illusions Using a Camera

Here's a fun little 7-minute video tutorial on how you can create interesting water illusions using an ordinary camera and some sound. It has to do with syncing the water drops to your camera's frame rate.

How to Photograph Swirling Splashes of Liquid

Shooting splashes is always great fun, even if it’s a simple image with a coffee cup and a falling piece of refined sugar. Plus, there is always so much room for experimentation for even more fun!

Behind the Scenes of OK Go’s Viral Optical Illusion-Packed Single Take Music Video

Indie rock band OK Go's recent music video for the song "The Writing's On the Wall" was a smash hit, receiving some 6.6K likes on PetaPixel alone and currently boasting over 7.6M views on YouTube.

But just in case the claim that it was all shot in a single take without any cuts has you skeptical, the band yesterday released a spellbinding behind-the-scenes video to show you how the optical illusion magic was made.

Artist Creates Incredible ‘Melting’ Sculpture Illusion Using Strobes and Still Images

What you see in the video above is a real sculpture that does, in fact, look as if it is perpetually melting right before your eyes. But while creating the exact sculpture took months of design and engineering work, the photographic technique behind it was invented as long ago as 100 BC.

What you're looking at is a three-dimensional "zoetrope," an animation device that created the illusion of motion using lighting effects or a sequence of still images (in this case, it's a mix of clever sculpting and well-timed strobes).