
How to Take Photos Like the Great Joel Meyerowitz

Photographer and YouTuber Frederik Trovatten has just released episode three of his popular "How to take photos like..." series. He started with Vivian Maier, moved on to Robert Frank, and this week he's breaking down the style and philosophy of the great Joel Meyerowitz.

Ilford is Creating a Set of Super Helpful ‘Darkroom Guides’ on YouTube

Over the past seven months, Ilford has been publishing a set of helpful "Darkroom Guides" to the How To playlist on the company YouTube channel. The series was created to help film photographers take their "next steps in your black and white darkroom printing journey." If that describes you, then this is one you'll want to bookmark.

The History of Astronaut Photography: Using Cameras in Space

If you ever wanted to get a quick history of cameras and their use by NASA, YouTuber Scott Manly put together an excellent resource. In this 14-minute video, Manly explains the history of cameras used in the Space Program, what they were, and the changes manufacturers eventually made at NASA's request.

The Market For Discontinued Photographic Film

My fridge was recently full of instant film. I mean that literally, it was not possible for me to put any more packets of the film into the fridge without risking damaging them.

Watch This Guy Turn a Classic Nikon FM into a Digital Camera

Japanese tinkerer Sanasol has just released a detailed, step-by-step "blueprint" video that shows you exactly how he was able to transform his classic Nikon FM film SLR into a digital camera without harming the film camera at all. If you have a few bucks to spend and a 3D printer handy, you can even follow along.

Perfect for 36 Frames: The Scariest Assignment of My Career

Most everyone’s got one. If you’ve been around for a while, you may have some great stories or a few crazy or scary assignments, but this one is not what you might think. Oh, I have had some interesting gigs for sure, but most of my work was in studio and not at all scary (with the exception of melted ice cream). I’ll save those stories for another time. No, this phone call was a different kind of scary.

Testing Out the Cheapest 35mm Film Scanner on Amazon

Photographer and YouTuber George Muncey of Negative Feedback recently set out on an ill-fated adventure in film scanning. He went out and bought the cheapest 35mm film scanner he could find online—the DIGITNOW! 135, which costs a whopping $60 on Amazon—and tried it out so that you don't have to.

This is a Milky Way Timelapse Shot on 35mm Film

Photographer Jason De Freitas recently took his 35mm film camera out into the night and spent over an hour manually shooting a photo every minute. He then turned those photos into this 30-second time-lapse of the Milky Way.

Photographer Teaches a 7 and 9-Year-Old How to Shoot and Develop Film

Photographer William Gilbert recently decided to start a YouTube channel, but rather than asking you to "smash that like button," he chose to kickstart the channel with 20 minutes of "wholesome goodness" instead. He decided to teach his 7- and 9-year-old niece and nephew how to shoot and develop 35mm film.

7 Tips for Getting Started with Film Photography

The folks over at COOPH recently tamed up with Brooklyn-based freelance photographer Joe Greer to put together a helpful "beginner's guide" of sorts for anybody who wants to get started with film photography.

World Barista Champion Goes All Out Developing His Photos with Coffee

Specialty coffee guru James Hoffmann recently embarked on a journey many photographers have already been on: developing photos using coffee. But if you think a former World Barista Champion settled for some Instant Nescafe as his main ingredient, think again. Hoffmann went all out.

This Photographer Adds UFOs Into His Fine Art Film Photography

Retired professional photographer Bob Rosinsky was editing one of his fine art film scans recently when he accidentally picked the Brush Tool instead of the Healing Tool in Photoshop. Just like that, a small gray smudge was created, and a strange photo project was born.

SCURA is a Curved Panoramic Pinhole Camera You Can Make at Home

Dora Goodman—maker of gorgeous hand-crafted custom cameras like these—is back with another 3D-printed, open-source camera that you can make at home. It's called the SCURA, and it's a curved pinhole camera that shoots 60x25mm panoramic images on regular 35mm film.

Lomography Unveils New High Dynamic Range Black and White Film

Lomography continues to expand its "Kino" lineup of black and white film. Less than a month after announcing the dramatic high-contrast "Kino Fantôme " film, the brand has released a new, high dynamic range entry to the lineup: Babylon Kino B&W ISO 13.

8 Film Photography Tips for Beginners

Film photographer and YouTuber Willem Verbeek has released a helpful video for beginners that covers his 8 favorite film photography hacks and tips. Some are useful, some are obvious, and some are just good sense.

Ilford Has Shut Down Film Production Until Further Notice

UK-based film maker Ilford has shut down production for the foreseeable future. While the company is still allowed, legally speaking, to continue operations during the UK's country-wide lockdown, it has chosen to shut down manufacturing in order to prioritize the health and safety of its employees.

Lomography Unveils New, Super-High Contrast Black and White Film

Lomography has just announced a brand new high-contrast black and white film stock for 35mm SLRs. The soon-to-be-released Fantôme Kino B&W ISO 8 35mm Film is being hailed as "a monochrome masterpiece" that originates from a roll of German cinematic production film.

Ilford: Stockpile Rolls of Film, Not Toilet Paper

Yesterday, UK-based film manufacturer Ilford released an official company statement regarding its handling of the novel coronavirus pandemic. And while the statement covered all of the important updates, Ilford also took the opportunity to strike a cheeky, lighthearted note.