
I Shot Photos of Cameras Placed on Film

Last summer, I visited Gifford Stevens at his home in Bradley, Maine. He was one of the best teachers I've ever had. He taught English at Hampden Academy.

This LEGO Kit is a Photographer’s Promo Mailer

Every year since 2010, photographer Clint Davis has put together a creative promotional mailer to send out to current and prospective clients. This year he got playful and created a custom LEGO kit promo mailer.

This Guy Shot Formula 1 with a Game Boy Camera and Phone Lens

Photographer and Formula 1 fan Tim Binnion recently attended the 2018 Chinese Grand Prix in Shanghai. In addition to shooting the race with his Nikon DSLR, Binnion also decided to document it with a 0.016-megapixel Game Boy Camera from 1998... and the results are pretty awesome.

How I Shot Fifteen Words to Celebrate My Friend’s Love

Last year, during my last months in Melbourne, I got a text from one of my closest and oldest friends from Italy. “We need to talk, I have some important news for you. Skype?” Minutes later, we were online.

Photos of KFC Fried Chicken as Fiery Explosions

Here's something that's strange yet creative. KFC Hong Kong wanted to promote its Hot & Spicy fried chicken, so the ad agency Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong Photoshopped pieces of fried chicken into photos to make them look like fiery explosions and smoke/vapor plumes.

These Volkswagen Beetle Photos Were Shot on a Table

Photographer Felix Hernandez has wowed the world for years with his large-scale photos created using small-scale models. Volkswagen recently turned to Hernandez's talents for a series of photos showing a classic Beetle on a desert road. Everything was shot on a tabletop.

Shooting Light-Painting Portraits with a Shattered Windshield

My name is Jason Rinehart with Hartlight Photography, and I'm a light painter known around the world for my unique light painting style. I'm always in search of different creative ways to make my images I create as unique as possible, and this is by using whatever I can find to either shoot through or shoot with.

10 Tips for Shooting Waterfall Photos

Here's a straightforward guide on how to get something more out of your waterfall shots. The idea to this guide came to me when I recently visited Iceland again and kept seeing everyone taking the same shots at the famous waterfalls. Even the ‘professional’ photographers with very expensive gear were just planting their tripod in the ground, putting on a wide angle with an ND filter and were all taking the same shots.

8 DIY Photo Filters You Can Make at Home

If you're looking to add a creative touch to your photos, you can consider making a DIY lens filter for custom effects. Here's a 3-minute video from COOPH that suggests 8 photo filters that you can make at home to spice up your photos in seconds.

How to Smash $5,000 in Nikon Lenses

Here's an 8-second video showing $5,000 in Nikon lenses getting smashed with a mallet. If you cringe at the thought of harm coming to any photographic equipment, here's the good news: the video isn't what you think. It's a creative video by stop-motion extraordinaire PES.

How to Use a Projector as a Lighting Tool for Creative Portraits

In my opinion, there’s an extra layer of believability -- a tangibility, if you will -- to using practical effects as opposed to relying heavily on post-production. Post work is limited by the breadth (or lack thereof) of imagination, which is why I try to get as much as I can in-camera.

I Turned IKEA Products Into Costumes for a Rembrandt Photo Shoot

I recently shot the 2017 Christmas card photo for Stavanger Foto, the passionate camera store on the west coast of Norway. Being granted full creative freedom in making the card, I went back to the old masters for inspiration.

If Adobe Made a Keyboard for Photo Editing…

What if Adobe decided to jump into the keyboard market and create a keyboard for photographers and other creatives? What would it look like? Brazilian designer Vinicius Araújo decided to turn his best guess into a futuristic concept keyboard called the Adobe Keyboard.