
Jared Polin is Crowdfunding a 256-Page Bernie Sanders Photo Book

In 2019, photographer and YouTuber Jared Polin -- also known as FroKnowsPhoto -- received an all-access pass for 48 hours in order to document the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders. He is seeking backing on Kickstarter for what will feature around 100 photos in a 256-page book.

How a Snapshot from 1987 Became a Book Cover in 2020

In 1987, choreographer Margo Sappington came to Houston to set her dance "Rodin, mis en vie" on the world-famous Houston Ballet at the invitation of Artistic Director Ben Stevenson. Not knowing who she was, but attracted by her energy and persona, I introduced myself.

How to Take Better Photos of Your Kids

If you are a parent with a passion for taking good photos of your kids, this guide will walk you through it and help to improve your skills.

Photographer Documents Neighbors’ Isolation from His Bedroom Window

In a bid to stay creative (and sane) during lockdown, London-based photographer Christopher Fernandez posted a sign on his bedroom window inviting neighbors to let him document their self-isolation in candid portraits from afar. Much to his surprise, his neighbors came a' calling.

How to Shoot Beautiful Family Photography at Home

You don’t have to be out and about to capture beautiful photographs of your children. The homes we live in may not strike you as being particularly photogenic, but think about how many of your childhood memories revolve around the house you grew up in. It's the ideal backdrop.

You’re Not Alone: All Photographers Go Through Slow Periods

Although some may feel like I'm some sort of rockstar photographer that is so busy he has to turn down work he doesn't want, the truth of the matter is right now I am just a guy sitting on a rock typing out a letter to people he has never met with the hopes that it helps just one person keep their head up.

Use Composition to Enhance Your Candid Photos

Composition doesn't make a candid, but a good composition can enhance it. It can amplify what you feel about the subject matter or invoke a reaction all on its own. Today I’m going to share with you 5 tips on composition to enhance your candids.

Street Photographer Beaten Bloody for Taking Photo of a Couple Hugging

Photographer Math Roberts experienced every street photographer's worst nightmare during the Notting Hill Carnival. As first reported by The Phoblographer, Roberts was attacked, beaten bloody, and had his camera smashed to bits for taking a photograph of a couple hugging on the last night of the event.

A Tribute to the Candid Moments Between Shots

A compilation of 3 years of "awkward" GoPro clips with narration. That's all this video is, but it somehow still strikes a chord. It's a tribute to all of those candid moments between shots, the time spent setting up gear, getting ready, feeling inadequate or silly or determined... recorded.

Eyes of the Afghan Girl: A Critical Take on the ‘Steve McCurry Scandal’

I will begin by saying that my intention is not to attack Steve McCurry or defame him in any manner. It is only an attempt to clear certain facts that have come to light regarding his work and to also raise certain questions on aspects that may or may not have been missed, but certainly have not been expressed till now... at least not publicly.

Planning Ahead Helps Me Capture Better Candid Travel Photos

In the beginning of 2014 I was invited by a non-profit religious group to travel more than 150 miles from Belém (the capital of the state of Pará in northern Brazil) to a small city in Marajó Island, Bagre. I knew about as much about Pará and its culture going in as I know about brain surgery: nothing.

Abstract Portraits of Couples Sleeping in Central Park

Sheep Meadow in New York City's Central Park is a popular spot for sleeping and sunbathing, sometimes drawing tens of thousands of people per day. For his project "Sheep Meadow: Vertical Abstracts," photographer Michael Massaia shot candid portraits of people who are deep in sleep, creating surreal images of intertwined human bodies suspended in darkness.

This Simple Trick for Shy Street Photographers Will Help You Snag that Candid Shot

DigitalRevTV recently shared a useful video featuring the more mellow Lok that discussed how to photograph Hong Kong if you've only got a few hours to spend shooting. The video itself is interesting and full of great info shared in that low-key style only possible for DRTV when Kai is on vacation, but one tip in particular caught peoples' eye.

COVR iPhone Case Helps You Take Better Candid Photos… Or Be a Creeper

The best camera is the one you have with you, and most of the time that camera is part of a device that also makes phone calls and serves as a platform for whatever Flappy Bird clone stole your heart when the original app was pulled.

The problem is, if you're a photographer using your phone you're probably capturing a moment that's about to pass... a moment you often destroy that second you take out your phone and point it at someone. That's where the COVR iPhone case comes in.

Simultaneous Street Photography From Two Different Points of View

Dutch photographers Thijs groot Wassink and Ruben Lundgren live in London and Beijing, and work together on photo projects as a duo known as WassinkLundgren. One of their collaborations is a set of street photographs shot on the sidewalks of Tokyo, Japan in 2009 and 2010. Titled Tokyo Tokyo, each of the pieces is a diptych showing the same "decisive moment" shot by both photographers at the same moment in time, and then arranged side by side.

Portraits of Strangers in Cars Illuminated by Off-Camera Lighting

Shooting portraits of strangers in cars isn't uncommon, but have you ever tried using off-camera lighting to illuminate their faces? That's what photographer Jonathan Castillo is doing for his ongoing series called Car Culture.

Castillo, an undergraduate BFA student at CSU Long Beach, shoots candid, artificially-lit photos of people driving around on the roads of Los Angeles. While the photos are captured from a car directly in front of the subjects, Castillo lights the scenes using a second specially-rigged vehicle driving to the side.

Photog Accidentally Captures Proposal While Snapping Pictures of a Sunrise

Can you believe the proposal photo above wasn't planned? In fact, the photographer wasn't even aware of what was going on. It was snapped this past Sunday by 20-year-old Sydney University student Michael Keane, who visited Sydney's Bondi Beach early in the morning to capture photographs of the sunrise. After returning home to post-process the images, Keane zoomed into his photos and was surprised to find that he had accidentally captured a very romantic moment happening way in the horizon.

Stealthy Photo of Marriage Proposal Goes Viral on the Internet

Photographer Patrick Lu always carries around his Olympus OM-D EM-5 camera around. "Every day. Everywhere," he says. That came in handy last week, when Lu and a friend were at the capital in Austin, Texas. His eagle-eyed friend somehow noticed that a man nearby was about to propose, and Lu was able to snap some stealthy photos of the event, including the beautifully framed one above.

Expressions of Sheer Terror Captured by a Haunted House Camera

Nightmares Fear Factory in Niagara Falls, Canada, which calls itself the scariest haunted house in North America, has an automatic camera set up at one particularly horrifying point in the house. The camera takes a photograph of visitors at precisely the moment when sheer terror reaches their brain, and the resulting expressions are hilarious.