
I Already Shot the Supermoon Today, But Here’s How to Shoot it Tomorrow

This morning I woke up early to photograph the descending supermoon on top of the famous St. Nicholas church in Amsterdam. But the supermoon was "just 96%" visible this morning as it is not completely full until tomorrow. Nevertheless, I love the slight shadow in the edge of the moon so I picked today as the day to shoot.

Paintings from the Sky: Aerial Photos of Iceland

Everyone knows that Iceland has amazing landscapes throughout the whole country. But Iceland doesn’t only look beautiful from the ground -- it also looks incredible from the sky. On a recent flight, I had the opportunity to expand my aerial portfolio and focused on mostly top-down images.

Why You Should Photograph Venice in the Wintertime

I last visited Venice a long time ago, and all I could remember were the crazy crowds. It's no wonder, because I visited in the summer. Last weekend, I decided to visit Venice in the winter with my girlfriend. People were saying "Why Venice? It’s not the season." But that’s exactly the point. I thought that visiting in Venice would be smart to avoid all the crowds, and I was right.

10 Tips on How to Improve Your Photography Game in the Next Year

The year is coming to an end. It has been a nice year for me and I feel I am still improving in regards to photography. Not only skill-wise but also on the business side of things, which is currently important for me as I am living off of photography. I'm writing out some tips that always help me in becoming better, and I hope they're useful for you as well.

Photos of Golden Autumn in the Netherlands

This autumn has been exceptionally beautiful in the Netherlands. Because of the interesting climate earlier this year with the extreme droughts we experienced, the trees are extremely colorful during the autumn period of this year. Trees that normally wouldn’t even turn yellow or reddish are now beautifully gold.

Photos of Dutch Heather Landscapes Through the Seasons

A few years ago, I published my (still very popular) heather series titled Purple Dream that consisted of images that portrayed the Dutch heather landscapes in August when everything turns purple. But the heather is not only beautiful when it's purple -- it's interesting all year round.

To All New Landscape Photographers: Invest in a Good Tripod!

I guide photography workshops around the world and what I often see with my students is that they bring a great camera and a great set of lenses in combination with a very low-quality tripod. I can’t stress enough how important a good tripod is. If you want to level up your landscape photography, you need a good tripod. Please don’t go cheap on this. I’d argue it’s even more important than your camera!

How and When to Photograph Auroras

With winter around the corner, I thought I'd write a quick aurora guide. I'm a professional landscape photographer. I also guide lots of photo tours and have done many in the north. I'd like to help all of you out with a bunch of stuff regarding auroras.

My Photos of Kyrgyzstan, The Hidden Gem of Central Asia

I just returned from 3 weeks in Kyrgyzstan. As a landscape photographer, I have traveled to lots of countries in the world so I guess I can say I am ‘used’ to beautiful landscapes. Until recently, however, Central Asia was unknown territory for me.

A Photo of My Girlfriend, the Lunar Eclipse, Mars, and the Milky Way

I normally love to plan my photos and I would have liked to plan a cool shot with yesterday’s moon eclipse. However, when I planned my current trip to Kyrgyzstan, I didn’t realize I would be there with the lunar eclipse of 2018 (bad planning, I know).

10 Photos That Show the Extreme Drought on the Dutch Coastlines

This year has been a year of extremes in the Netherlands. We had an extremely cold winter with all of the country frozen, including the Amsterdam canals which almost never happens. I took the chance to document the extreme cold of the Netherlands earlier this year. Now, what followed was an extremely hot spring that has now transitioned into summer.

These Photos Show Why Everyone Wants to Go to Iceland

Iceland is booming. More than 2 million tourists visit Iceland every year. This comes as no surprise. As I am regularly guiding tours in Iceland, I have visited the country quite a few times over the years and the beauty of the country is simply out of this world. The moment you step out of Reykjavik is the moment you enter some a fantasy movie with beautiful scenery on every corner.

How I Wait Years to Get My Photos

Landscape photography takes a lot of patience. When we share shots on the Internet, people often don't realize how much effort can go into creating some of them. I'm often told, "you’re always at the right place at the right time." And yes, I am sometimes at the right place at the right time, but it took me lots of effort and sometimes a bit of luck!

Photos of Dutch Tulips from the Ground and Sky

As a travel and landscape photographer, being on the road for a lot of time is nice, but I always try to be home during the tulip season. This isn’t always easy as the exact timing of the blooming is always quite random.

I Photographed Cherry Blossoms… in Amsterdam

I've been seeing lots of cherry blossom photos from many friends who are visiting Japan or Korea for their beautiful and famous cherry blossoms. I’m sitting here at home in the Netherlands for a change and figured I’d show how I don’t need to travel halfway across the globe to get these shots.

10 Tips to Take Your Landscape Photos to the Next Level

My name is Albert Dros, and I'm a professional landscape photographer from the Netherlands. This article is both for beginners and advanced landscape photographers. I figured I’d list some tips to hopefully give you some inspiration and give you some new options to try out in your landscape photography.

The World’s Most Spectacular Laser Show in Pictures

I was lucky to catch the "Light Up 2018" laser show while in Dubai this month. The Guinness World Record-breaking laser show was on repeat after its first showing during last New Year's Eve. Seeing it for the first time in real life really wowed me.

See the Netherlands’ Historically Cold Winter in Before-and-After Photos

Last week was extremely cold in my country, the Netherlands. February 28th was the coldest 28th of February in history, breaking the record set in 1904. It’s crazy to experience this kind of weather here while some of my friends in Norway and Iceland are having warmer weather.

10 Tips for Shooting Waterfall Photos

Here's a straightforward guide on how to get something more out of your waterfall shots. The idea to this guide came to me when I recently visited Iceland again and kept seeing everyone taking the same shots at the famous waterfalls. Even the ‘professional’ photographers with very expensive gear were just planting their tripod in the ground, putting on a wide angle with an ND filter and were all taking the same shots.

How To Photograph Seascapes

Photographing the sea and the waves can be both challenging and fun. People often ask me what "the right settings" are to shoot moving water so I decided to write a little guide on it. There are many options depending on what look you’re going for. By using some examples of my own, I’ll explain how I shoot my seascapes.

Capturing a Snowy Day in Amsterdam

I can't remember seeing so much snow in our Dutch capital city of Amsterdam before. Yesterday afternoon, snow started falling out of the sky for hours and hours without stopping. Since I was already in Amsterdam, I took the opportunity of trying to document the atmosphere. The scene lasted for only a few hours before it started to rain in the evening.

I Shot 7 Photos of the Same Location in Different Seasons

Throughout the years, I noticed that I visit the same locations around my house many times to see how they look during different seasons and different times of the day. Sometimes the area where you live may not motivate you very much to photograph because you see the same things every day. However, when I started photography, I began to see the world (and my home area) in a different way.

10 Tips On Using Extreme Wide Angle Lenses for Landscape Photography

As a landscape photographer, I love extreme wide angle lenses. I use my 16-35mm for 90% of my photos and I mostly use it at 16mm. When I give lectures about photography, I often hear people saying they have trouble with using extreme wide angle uses just because they are "so wide". But these lenses require a different approach than your kit lens to get the most out of them.

How I Plan My Landscape Photos for the Highest Chances of Success

My name is Albert Dros, and I am a professional landscape photographer from the Netherlands. People often tell me that I am "in the right place at the right time." But I obviously don’t post "failed" shoots. And not only that, I also spend a great deal of time planning my shots in order to make my chances of success as high as possible.

Where and How to Shoot Tulips in The Netherlands

Spring came early this year. Almost one month earlier than last year in fact. The tulips in my country are currently in full-bloom, and now is the best time to see and photograph them. As a local and sort of "known" Dutch landscape photographer, I get bombarded with questions on where to find them via social media. I figured it would be easy to write a quick guide for all of you ‘tourists.'

How I Photographed an Erupting Volcano in Front of the Milky Way

A few weeks ago I went to Guatemala to try and shoot the eruption of Fuego, an active volcano on the edge of a little town called Antigua Guatemala. But I didn't just want to shoot the erupting volcano, I wanted to align the eruption with the Milky Way to create something unique.

10 Ways to Become a Better Landscape Photographer in the Next Year

As each new year approaches, people usually start thinking about what they can do better or improve in the new year. As a professional landscape photographer, I thought it would be fun to give some tips to people starting out with landscape photography.