This New Eclipse Stamp Has a Hidden Photo Activated by Body Heat

When you think "Postal Service" you probably don't also think "super creative," but the USPS just raised the bar on creative photo printing ideas. In celebration of the ultra-rare total eclipse the US is going to witness in August, they've created an eclipse stamp that features a hidden photo activated by body heat.

Quick Tip: How to ‘Open’ a Lazy Eye in Photoshop

They say the devil (or is it God?) is in the details, and this quick Photoshop tip from portrait photographer Bill Larkin is all about making sure you nail those details. Specifically: he shows you how to quickly and easily 'open' a Lazy Eye in Photoshop.

Photographer Dangles Paralyzed Mom Off a Cliff for Epic Mother’s Day Shoot

Epic. I hate that word. But when it comes to Benjamin Von Wong's crazy photography stunts, it's really the one that fits best. So call it "amazing." Call it "awesome." Call it "adventurous" or "dangerous" or "heart-thumping." I think hanging a paralyzed mom and her son off a cliff for some cool photos is just plain epic.

5 Photos in 24 Hours: How the Time of Day Affects a Photo

Travel photographer Mohamed Hakem recently visited Siwa, the largest oasis in Egypt and one of the most remote inhabited places on Earth. While there, he did a bit of experimenting. He took 5 photos of the same location over the course of 24 hours, showing how time of day changes a photo.

Dear Nikon: Advice from One of Your Most Dedicated Users

Dear Nikon,

Hi. Long term user, first time writer. Firstly, congrats on your centenary, I'm really happy for you. And I really hope there'll be more hundred year celebration products to be announced other than those gray lenses and the corporate holiday gift style glass paperweights you release.

The Ambiguity of Pressing the Shutter – Ethics in Photojournalism

The myth goes that Crazy Horse refused to be photographed, believing the image would steal his soul. In truth, the apocryphal tale has no historical evidence. But taking photos is intrusive, and most people would agree upon some near universal norms regarding photography (e.g. taking photos of children in public).

This Photographer Put a Giant Mirror In a Salt Flat

Australian photographer Murray Fredericks has spent years visiting and photographing the salt flats at Lake Eyre, the lowest point in Australia. For his latest project, titled Vanity, Fredericks brought a giant mirror and created gorgeous, abstract landscape photos at dawn, dusk, and night.

Shooting with ACROS Film Simulation in the Fujifilm X-Pro2

I hear a lot of photographers slamming others for not shooting RAW. So I decided to go against that for a month and shoot JPEG only using Fujifilm's ACROS Film Simulation and share my results. Interestingly, I've found that I'm actually enjoying taking photographs more.

Remembering the Canon 1D Mk II, The Only Camera That Got Me a Date

I dropped it because I was drunk. It was a brand new Canon EOS-1D Mark II, and I was drunk because I hadn't eaten any dinner. It fell from hip-height onto the sand-covered floor of a shipping container, which had been converted into a tiki bar at an outdoor music festival. It was 2005 -- tiki bars were a thing back then.

Cassini Snaps the Closest Views We’ve Ever Had of Saturn

On April 26th, NASA's Cassini spacecraft made its first-ever "Grand Finale" dive through the gap between Saturn and the planet's rings. As it shot around the gas giant, Cassini snapped a lengthy series of closest-ever photos showing the features of the atmosphere. Now NASA has combined those photos into a beautiful fly-by movie.

How I Made $1,254.93 in Four Months by Selling Stock Photos on EyeEm

My name is Michael Zwahlen, and I’m a photographer based in Germany. I want to share how I earn money through EyeEm. In the first four months of 2017 alone, the royalties I received through them added up to $1,254.93 and I’m hopeful this will continue to improve.

Photography Competitions: Are They Even Worth It?

I was sitting in my dorm room at Arizona State University. To my left I had my XBox on (as it was pretty much 24/7) with some racing game on pause. In front of me I had my future, for I was entering a photography competition that I believed would make me famous and rich beyond my wildest dreams.