Search Results for: dji phantom

This is What a Drone Strike Would Do to an Airplane

As drones continue to explode in popularity, there have been more and more stories of operators flying way too close to airplanes. Now new research is revealing just how much damage a direct drone strike would do to an airplane's wing.

My Quest for the Perfect Polar Bear Picture

I’ve been saying it for years; all the easy pictures have been taken. But there are still some stupid and crazy ones left out there. I came up with the bright idea to travel north with at least one of them in mind. I went looking for the polar bear of my dreams.

Shooting a Sunrise Portrait with a Drone-Mounted Flash

This idea had been rolling around in my head for years. I use flashes a lot in my photography. Whether that is a Speedlight on or off camera or in the studio with some big strobes and modifiers. But this is the first time I have ever used an aerial drone-mounted flash.

Man Jumps Into Lake, Saves Drone at Last Possible Moment

Here's one of the most epic drone saves you'll ever see. A man named Dave Svorking was flying his camera drone over a lake when the battery died mid-flight, causing the drone to go into an uncontrolled descent straight toward the water. Svorking immediately jumped into action (literally!), and the miraculous catch was captured by the drone itself.

This Photographer Melted His Drone Shooting Photos of Lava

While shooting for two weeks in Hawaii last month, Israeli photographer Erez Marom's drone had an Icarus experience. Marom flew his $1,500 DJI Phantom 4 camera drone too close to lava flows and accidentally melted part of the camera. He was able to capture some gorgeous photos of lava up-close, though.

A Drone Photo of Trees Knocked Down After a Storm

Earlier this month, a storm named Xavier pounded Europe and caused extensive damage. A day after the storm, photographer Julian Stratenschulte took his camera drone out and captured this beautiful and slightly disorienting photo showing a row of trees that were knocked down, from a bird's-eye view.

Consumer Drones Unlikely to Inflict Horrible Head Injuries, Study Finds

Researchers at Virginia Tech have been studying the injury risks posed by consumer drones by flying them into dummies' faces, and they've now come to a conclusion. The study found that the risk of a catastrophic head injury was less than 5 percent in an impact with a drone weighing 2.6 lbs (such as the popular DJI Phantom).

This is What Happens When a Drone is Struck by Lightning

Ever wondered what would happen if your fancy DJI Phantom drone got struck by lightning while you were out flying it? Well, wonder no more. Thanks to YouTuber Tom Scott and the University of Manchester High Voltage Lab, we can watch it happen... twice.

Photographing the Hula Valley, Rest Stop for Half a Billion Birds Every Year

The Hula is an agricultural region located in northern Israel with abundant fresh water. It is a major stopover for various birds’ migration path along the Syrian-African Rift Valley between Africa, Europe, and Asia. An estimated half a billion birds are passing through the Hula Valley every year.

Watch a Trained Police Eagle Take Down a Drone

Shady drone pilots take note: the eagles are coming for you. Dutch police began training eagles to take down illegal drones at the beginning of 2016. Now, eight months later, it's time to demonstrate how well these trained eagles do their job.

Wild and Pure: Photographing Wildlife in Kamchatka

Kamchatka. Just the name evokes so many different and exotic feelings as flashbacks emerge from National Geographic features.

In recent years, as a pro wildlife photographer, I’ve been doing incredible features worldwide, but Russia is complicated and Kamchatka is remote and isolated… so it took me a couple of years to get everything ready for my special photography project in one of the last wild places on earth.

These Drone Selfies Were Inspired by Inception

After seeing the trailer for Inception years ago, photographer Patrick Gilbert of North Bay, Ontario, recently decided to recreate the surreal "folding landscapes" in a series of drone selfies. The project is titled #BendNorthBay.

Drone Falls Out of the Sky… and Onto a Woman’s Head

A woman at a public event in Beloeil, Quebec, was injured earlier this month when a DJI Phantom 3 camera drone dropped out of the sky and smashed directly into her head. The incident was caught on camera by another drone in the sky and can be seen in the 8 second video above.