November 2013

‘Selfie’ Crowned Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year 2013

Well, this news will probably either make you shake your head or cringe, but there's no avoiding it: Selfie has officially been named the Oxford Dictionaries' "Word of the Year 2013" thanks to the ridiculous surge in popularity the word has enjoyed over the past year.

Christmas Ad Combines Stop Motion and Hand Drawn Animation to Melt Your Heart

Each year, UK retailer John Lewis releases a touching, moving and otherwise awesome Christmas advertisement that manages to moisten our eyes and get us in the Holiday spirit like none other.

Doing this requires that they constantly re-evaluate their approach and come up with new and creative ways to inspire and endear viewers to their message, and this year, that meant taking a step back and using animation techniques that'll hit you right in the nostalgia bone: hand drawing and stop-motion.

The ZEISS 55mm f/1.4 Otus, a Very ‘Scharf’ Lens Indeed

I’m probably setting myself up for a replay of the Exo Tria Arxidia scene, but my friend Bernhard introduced me to the German term scharf the other day. It can mean both sharp and hot (as in spicy, or as in, you know, hot). After testing our first copies of the Zeiss 55mm f/1.4 Otus lens I felt the term scharf was just perfect to describe this lens.

Brothers Surprise Mom by Recreating Her Favorite Photos 20 Years Later

Romanian bothers Toma and Paul Alexandru were trying to think of a creative surprise for their mother Simona's 55th birthday when it dawned on them that she might enjoy seeing her favorite photos of the pair... shall we say... updated.

So, 20 years later, they set out to all the old holiday locations to re-shoot all of their mom's favorite photos again, leading to a surprise that was equal parts funny and touching.

Google Working to Bring RAW Capability to Android Phones

Given the incredibly positive response Nokia got from the photo community when it announced that Lumia phones would soon be able to capture images in DNG RAW, it makes sense that operating systems other than Windows Phone would soon follow suit. Lo and behold, it seems Google is on the cusp of just such an announcement itself.

Elk from Headbutting Incident Put Down by National Park, Photographer Appalled

A couple of days ago we shared a video/story that has since gone viral across the Internet. The video showed photographer James York getting into a bit of a headbutting match with a young bull elk who took an interest in his gear before getting aggressive.

Today we've found out that the elk in question has since been put down by Rangers at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, leaving much of the internet and York himself saddened and speechless.

Histagrams Imagine How Historic Moments Might Have Been Shared on Instagram

The idea isn't entirely new. At one point, photographer Allen Murabayashi experimented with re-imagining famous photos as if they had been taken with Instagram to dispel the thought that filters and a square crop often somehow "improve" a photo.

The website Histagrams is similar, only it takes it a step further and lends a comedic edge to the whole experiment. Site creators Gusto NYC and Gavin Alaoen imagine how historically significant moments might have been shared if the people behind them had had Instagram at their disposal.

Strangers: A Bizarre Series of Composite Portraits, Each Made Up of 200 Close-Ups

Photographer Pelle Cass is fond of composites. The set of so-called 'single frame time-lapses' he put together for his Selected People series has gone quite viral.

But his fondness for composite photography doesn't stop at creating overcrowded scenes, he applied the same approach to taking portraits, creating a bizarre (and perhaps a little unsettling) series of portraits called Strangers in the process.

Instagram Fills Up with Batkid Photos as SF Helps Bring a Young Boy’s Dream to Life

Yesterday a young boy named Miles, better known now as Batkid, inspired the world and probably became the most photographed child on Earth, if only for a day. You see 5-year-old Miles has been battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia since he was 20 months old, and when the Make-a-Wish foundation asked him what his wish was, he said he wanted to be Batman.

Well, you don't tell a 5-year-old no, and so the Bay Area Make-a-Wish foundation and 12,000 volunteers set to work turning San Francisco into Gotham city, and making sure that everyone who ran across this story today would break down into uncontrollable tears of joy...

Deal Alert: Get $125 Off When You Buy $500 or More in Refurbished Canon Gear

Alright folks, we don't often post about deals but this is a great one and it's only available through midnight tonight (Eastern Standard Time). If you're in the US and you're okay with buying some refurbished Canon gear instead of brand new, today only, you can get $20 off a purchase of $100 or more, $50 off of $250 or more and $125 off $500 or more.

Breathtaking Aurora Time-Lapse Captures the Northern Lights Over the Rockies

Here's a two-minute time-lapse escape into the Rocky Mountains for those of you still stuck at the office today. Because last Friday, while us schmucks were working, Canadian photographer Richard Gottardo -- whose work we've had the pleasure of featuring several times before -- was chasing the aurora borealis through the Rockies.

Fashion Photography Rig Turns Out to Be the Best Way to Photograph Monkey Brains

Mmmm -- monkey brains haven't looked this good since the banquet scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

That would be thanks to the StyleShoots fashion photography rig that researchers at the Netherlands-based Primate Brain Bank used to capture detailed, perfectly posed images of the grey matter of everything from gorillas to tiny lemurs.

French Paper Publishes Photo-less Issue to Stress the Importance of Photojournalism

French newspaper Libération is about to score huge brownie points with photographers the world over. At a time when newspaper photography jobs are disappearing and some newspapers are replacing professional photojournalists with iPhone toting writers, Libération is removed all photos from one of its issue as a show of support for photographers.

Inspecting an ‘In Spec’ Lens

I’m going to open a can of worms today. I’ve been getting more and more emails from people telling me the same story that goes like this:

I’ve got this lens. It’s awful. I’ve sent it in for adjustment and the service center tells me it’s ‘in spec’ and nothing is wrong with it. Am I crazy?

How Do You Photograph a Jet Flying 300-400mph? Throw 30,000W of Flash at It!

Yuri Arcurs, the world's top-selling microstock photographer, will go to great lengths to prove he's right, and the video above is a great case in point for that. He wanted to prove that he could flash freeze a fighter jet at full speed, and he got that shot. All he needed was approximately 30,000W of fill flash... no big deal.