
Photographer Recreates Vintage Lens Ads with His Own Glass

Remember those old lens advertisements you would see decades ago while flipping through magazines like National Geographic? Photographer Aaron Arizpe recently tried his hand at recreating the look and feel of those ads using his own lenses and editing skills.

Photographer Turns Symphony Hall into the World’s Largest Darkroom

During this year's STORY conference in Nashville, TN, photographer Blake Wylie did something really cool. He turned a massive symphony hall into what might be the world's largest darkroom so that he could capture and develop a tintype portrait on-stage, in front of an audience of 1,400 people.

Ideas for Using a Variable ND Filter to Control Landscapes

Attaching the variable neutral density (ND) filter to a lens basically means that we have added a fourth dimension to our camera. The exposure triangle -- aperture, ISO, shutter speed -- has been expanded with a fourth variable with which we can play to achieve a desired effect or outcome. This opens up for new creative opportunities in our photography and also adds a lot of flexibility to our shooting.

Photographer Turns a Skyscraper Into a Giant Camera

Brendan Barry is a UK-based photographer who's known for turning all kinds of unusual things into working cameras, from food and mannequins to shipping containers and camper trailers. But his latest project was his most ambitious yet -- turned a Manhattan skyscraper into a giant camera.

The Flash as a Self-Defense Weapon

Back in the 1970s, I would occasionally go bar hopping in South Tucson. Although it wasn't a particularly rough neighborhood, there was always the potential bad guy.

How to Shoot a Day-vs-Night Photo in a Single Exposure

Here's a creative technique to add to your bag of tricks. In this 9.5-minute video, we’ll show you from start to finish how we took an ordinary scene and turned it into to go from day to night in one single exposure, in-camera.

Shooting Video with a 100-Year-Old Kodak Vest Pocket Lens

A few weeks ago, we showed you how one photographer retrofitted a 100-year-old Kodak Vest Pocket lens onto his Canon DSLR to photograph the rodeo. Now, YouTuber Mathieu Stern has created a similar setup that allowed him to to capture some very unique video footage.

This is the World’s First Solargraphy Timelapse

Solargraphy is a technique for photographing the sun's path through the sky by using a pinhole camera to expose photographic paper for anywhere from a few hours to over a year. Photographer Sam Cornwell has created what he believes is the world's first solargraphy timelapse.

Imitating Hazy Backgrounds with Diffusion Gels

Shooting in a studio has its advantages. But although being warm, dry and convenient are greatly appreciated, shooting between the same four walls can get a little boring if you’re constantly using them as backgrounds for your shots.

This Handmade ‘Ultimate Photography Portfolio’ Took 18 Months to Build

NYC fashion and commercial photographer Dani Diamond recently embarked on a mission to create "The Ultimate Photography Portfolio." By combining his love of photography with his skills as a woodworker and about 18 months of design & development, he was able to create something truly unique: a wooden, leather-bound, laser-engraved, 11x17-inch portfolio that's unlike anything we've seen before.

This is a Modern Car Race Shot with a 1968 Super 8 Camera

A guy named Nick Shirrell recently attended a car race, but instead of shooting it with a modern camera, he brought along a Canon Super 8 camera that was launched back in 1968. As you can see in the resulting 3.5-minute video above, the results were delightful.

Turtle Wears GoPro, Captures Exciting Pond Life

Kyle Naegeli, AKA The Fish Whisperer, recently strapped a GoPro camera to the back of a turtle and let it go inside a small pond. As the 4-minute video above shows, some fascinating turtle's-eye views of the world resulted.

3 Ways to Use Plexiglass for Creative Portraits

As a portrait photographer, it can often be difficult to keep thing interesting in the studio. Adding a unique element to your images can help them stand out while also allowing you to have little fun. The unique element that I added for my most recent shoot was just a simple piece of plexiglass. Here are three ways you can use a sheet of plexiglass and some simple household supplies to unleash your inner creative.