
This Handy Little Web App Helps You Visualize DOF Across Various Formats and Focal Lengths

When it comes to understanding how depth of field, focal length and other variables are affected by different film/sensor formats, it can get confusing. Fortunately, Reddit user redblue has created an incredibly useful interactive resource that will help you better visualize the factors at play by letting you change variables while swapping sensors sizes and seeing the effect in real time.

Background Burner: A Web App That Cuts Out Subjects in Photos

It’s probably safe to say many -- if not all -- of us know how to remove a background from an image in order to separate the subject of that image. But, thanks to a convenient website called Background Burner, the process has been simplified for when you need speed more than specificity.

Drag-and-Drop Web App Lets You Mess With Glitching Your JPGs

For some reason, corrupting photos has become something of a thing recently. From the Gliché App for iPhone we shared a few months ago to Doctor Popular's glitched ethereal double exposures, people are trying more and more to turn digital corruption into art.

Well, if you're curious and want to give it a shot yourself, developer Georg Fischer has a quick and easy solution for you.

‘Average’ Web App Creates a Composite Image from a Flickr Set or Tag

We've run across some neat web apps in the past -- be it the Face to GIF app that lets you create animated GIFs with ease using your computer's webcam, or something a bit more practical like UT's enlarging and denoising app.

The 'Average' web app definitely falls on the less-practical side of things. It allows you to easily combine any number of Flickr photos from a set or tag into a composite average of them all.

Lenstag: A Free Online Gear Registry that Aims to End Camera and Lens Theft

Camera equipment has long been attractive to the eyes of thieves. After all, it's generally portable, pricey, and a piece of cake to sell through channels such as Craigslist. In Northern California, robbers have begun targeting photojournalists at gunpoint in order to snatch their gear.

Developer Trevor Sehrer, a Google engineer by day, has been working on a website that aims to help combat the theft of photography gear. It's called Lenstag, and is an online equipment registry that makes it easier to report and track stolen cameras and lenses.

Create Selfie GIFs in Seconds With The Face to GIF Web App

There are many ways to create GIFs of all sorts of things. Some tutorials on making more complex GIFs (like this one) we've even shared with you. But what if you just want to create a quick selfie GIF? Something you could record on your computer's webcam? Well, the new webapp "Face to GIF" has you covered.

UT Austin Launches Free Enlarging and Denoising Web App

Movies and TV shows have a knack for making it seem as if you could take a horrible, low-resolution image and turn it into a high-res masterpiece -- the term "enhance" has become almost comical. And for every mention of magical television enhancement, there's mention of some special algorithm at work that makes it happen.

Well, the University of Texas at Austin's RCM Tools web app isn't quite up to cable drama standards, but it's their attempt to apply special algorithms to image enhancement and denoising, and it's free for photographers to experiment with.

Nike Can Decorate Your Sneakers Based on the Color of Your Instagram Snaps

Instagram has been used in many different ways. We've seen the app inspire an awesome DIY photo booth and even become the tool of choice for certain photography projects. However, we never expected to see the day when you could use your Instagram photos to customize your footwear. And yet, that's exactly what you can do with Nike's PHOTOiD web app.

Create a Gorgeous Hyperlapse Video with Google Street View Photographs

Hyperlapse photography involves shooting a series of photographs over large distances and then stringing the photos together into a time-lapse video that zooms the viewer through the locations. Creating a real hyperlapse involves quite a bit of work, so the folks over at Teehan+Lax Labs decided to go virtual by turning to Google Street View to source the necessary photos.

The gorgeous hyperlapse video above was created entirely using Google Street View photos, and shows the locations visited by the Street View camera van in a way that's very different from what you see through your browser.

Worldcam Lets You Peek Inside Private Buildings Through Instagram Photos

What if there were an up-to-date live stream of photos from any location on Earth, allowing you to see whatever is happening "right now"? Well, there is: Worldcam is a simple web app that's designed to do just that. Simple provide it with two pieces of information: city and location. City is pretty straightforward, but location is the cool one; you can type things like businesses, buildings, parks, and more.

Mugshot Yourself Turns Your Portrait into a 19th Century Mugshot

Want to see what you would look like as an outlaw from the 1800s? With Mugshot Yourself, you can!

It's a simple web app that takes your portrait and combines it with the face of an actual New York City criminal from 1864. You can provide a photo using your webcam, by uploading one, or by selecting a Facebook profile picture.

Sensor Size: A Relative Size Comparison Tool for Camera Sensors

Idan Shechter, the guy behind Camera Size, has launched a new website for photographers who understand sizes better through visual comparisons than through specs and figures. Sensor Size is a website that offers quick visual comparisons of sensors found in popular digital cameras. Select the cameras you want to check out from a couple of drop-down menus, and the sensors are displayed in relative sizes next to each other. You can also stack the images or display them in a 3D overlay for a better view.

Aviary Photo Editor Raises $6M Towards Further Improvement and Growth

When Picnik bit the dust several months back, it handed the web-editor baton, in large part, over the the Aviary photo editor. Since then Aviary has been running on all cylinders making consistent improvements and otherwise trying to get you to forget about that one Pic-something editor -- and it doesn't look like the company will be stopping any time soon. Having launched full-blown Android and iOS apps less than two weeks ago, Aviary has now secured $6-million in capital from several different investors, including Amazon's Jeff Bezos.

YouTube’s Frontrow App Lets You Snap and Share Photos of Livestreams

Livestreaming events on YouTube is becoming commonplace, but besides the experience of being there, the one thing that livestreams don't provide is a way to take pictures and remember the event. When you're there you're taking video or snapping a shot, when you're on your couch you're watching video and, at best, grabbing a few screenshots -- not the most effective method.

Shoot, Share, and Explore Satellite Photos of Earth with Stratocam

If you've always wanted to be an astronaut photographer shooting images of Earth from a window of the International Space Station, Stratocam is an app for you. Created by Paul Rademacher, it allows you to snap your own photographs inside Google Maps' satellite view of our planet. You can also view and rate other people's photos, and browse the highest rated images from around the world.