
YouTuber Debunks Viral Photography ‘Hacks’ She Found Online

Professional photographer and YouTube Jessica Kobeissi recently decided to take on some of the viral "DIY photography hacks" that she's seen online, and see if they work as expected... or at all. As you might imagine, for the most part, the answer is "not really." But it makes fur a fun video actually investigating these hacks.

Fossil’s Q Smartwatch Puts Instagram Husbands Out of a Job

Fossil's Q smartwatches contain a feature that lets you take pictures with your smartphone camera by simply pressing one of the watch's buttons. To promote this watch and feature, Fossil created the above followup to the Instagram Husbands video that went viral last year.

Elk from Headbutting Incident Put Down by National Park, Photographer Appalled

A couple of days ago we shared a video/story that has since gone viral across the Internet. The video showed photographer James York getting into a bit of a headbutting match with a young bull elk who took an interest in his gear before getting aggressive.

Today we've found out that the elk in question has since been put down by Rangers at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, leaving much of the internet and York himself saddened and speechless.

Girl Rushes the Field at a Baseball Game, Captures a $1,500 Selfie

The fine for rushing the field at the College World Series final is $1,500, but who can put a price on becoming an overnight viral Vine sensation? Well, whatever price Kayleigh, Emily, and Torrie Hill assigned to viral fame, it was more than $1,500, because they rushed the field and captured some expensive selfie footage in the process.

David Beckham Surprises Fans Inside a Photo Booth

Heartwarming video alert: soccer fans snapping photos inside a London Olympics 2012 photo booth were given a surprise of a lifetime when soccer legend David Beckham randomly poked his head in. The video above -- created by Adidas -- captures the priceless reactions of the shocked fans. See if you can spot the die-hard Beckham fan (hint: he's young).

World’s Largest Stop Motion Animation

Not satisfied with creating a stop-motion animation of microscopic proportions, Nokia has gone in the opposite direction, this time turning a beach into what Guinness deemed the "world's largest stop motion animation set." The 12-megapixel stills were shot over five days using a Nokia N8 cell phone strapped to a 40 meter high cherry picker, and the largest scene spans a whopping 11,000 square feet!

Samsung Shipping Container Camera

There's a new video on YouTube showing a gigantic shipping container camera promoting a Samsung camera. In the video, bystanders can actually use the "camera" by inserting some money into a coin slot, and then having someone jump onto the massive shutter button on top of the shipping container. The resulting photograph is then displayed on a gigantic screen atop a nearby building.