
Fans Taking Selfies in the Road are the New ‘Pain in the A**’ for Tour de France Cyclists

We have another location/situation to add to society's collective "places/times I shouldn't take a selfie" list (there's one of those right?): in the middle of the road as hundreds of Tour de France cyclists barrel down towards you.

This might seem like common sense, but hard as it might be to believe, Tour de France cyclists are complaining that fans standing in the middle of the road to take a selfie as the group approaches are "the new pain in the arse" for riders this year.

Talented Doodler Gets Creative with Mirror Selfies in This Awesome Little Photo Series

We usually don’t condone mirror selfies, but for Norwegian doodler Mirrorsme, we’ll make an exception. Using various mirrors as canvases for her work, the woman behind the pseudonym paints herself into a number of humorous and immersive situations. From Batman and Joker to Super Mario Bros., Mirrorsme has covered quite the variety of situations in her doodle adventures.

Lice Expert Says Selfies are Causing a Big Increase in Lice Among Teens

"Selfies are fun," California lice expert Marcy McQuillan recently told the SFist, "but the consequences are real." What consequences, you ask? Well, as you might have already guessed given McQuillan's occupation, the consequences she is referring to are head lice. Namely, a lot more head lice among teenagers.

Just Me Screen 1 App Introduces ‘Selfies’ Feature, Instagram-like Filters

Mobile messaging service has released a new update (version 1.2) to their iOS application that brings the wonderful world of selfies and Instagram-like filters to the fingertips of its users.

The move comes as the world of social networking continues to expand at a rate potentially faster than that of the universe itself, and people simply cannot just get enough of uploading pictures of themselves for friends and strangers to see.