
How Pelican Cases Are Made (and How Durable They Are)

Pelican brand hard cases are a popular choice for photographers who need to safely transport camera and lighting gear from photo shoot to photo shoot. BrandmadeTV made the 6.5-minute video above that offers a behind-the-scenes look at how these durable hard cases are manufactured.

This is an Airport Luggage System Through the Eyes of a Suitcase Camera

Photographers are often advised to carry their camera gear onto an airplane rather than check it in with luggage. If you'd like to see what goes on behind the scenes with checked-in luggage, check out this interesting video by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands, which strapped a camera to a piece of baggage and put it through the maze-like conveyor belt system.

5 Insurance Options for Protecting Your Business and Gear as a Photographer

Whether you are a working professional or a passionate enthusiast, keeping your gear up to date can cost a pretty penny. For this reason, you want to ensure that all of your equipment is well protected against possible damage or theft. With many different organizations offering customized insurance plans for your gear, we are going to take a look at five options to see which may be best suited to your needs.

10 Helpful Websites for Protecting Your Photography Copyrights

Being a photographer in the digital age presents a number of excellent advantages along with a collection of new concerns. Sharing your images with the world and gaining exposure has never been easier, but the risk that someone may decide to steal your work is also increasing. Protecting your images on the web should be at the forefront of your thought process when uploading a new potential masterpiece. To help you out, we have established a list of ten sites that can assist you in your creative endeavor.

KitSentry Helps You Manage and Track Your Camera Gear for Peace of Mind

Photographers who are out and about often have thousands of dollars in camera gear kept inside a camera bag, and keeping an eye on your bag at all times can be taxing and sometimes impossible. KitSentry is a new product that's designed to keep an eye on your gear so you don't have to, giving you peace of mind to help you focus on making photos.

The TSA Sets Up an Instagram Account to Show Off the Things They Confiscate

What do a loaded gun, a stun gun disguised as a pack of cigarettes and an inert grenade all have in common? Pictures of all of them are to be found on the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) new Instagram account, where the government agency is doing its best to show the public the kinds of dangerous things its employees are confiscating on a daily basis.

How to Make a Padded Lens Case Using Plastic Bottles

If you'd like a cheap and simple way to protect your camera lenses from rain and from drops, you can make a makeshift lens case using ordinary plastic bottles (e.g. water bottles, soda bottles). Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

Protect Your Camera Gear from Burglars by Keeping it In Your Kid’s Room

If you want to protect your pricey camera gear from burglars, one of the safest places in your house (besides a safe, of course) is one that might not be very obvious to you: your kid's room. The Readers Digest published a simple slideshow containing home-proofing tips gleaned from the minds of convicted burglars. One interesting tip is that burglars generally don't go into children's rooms when hunting for valuables to steal.

NeverWet Spray-On Coating: A Godsend for Outdoorsy Photographers

Ross Technology Corp. has developed an amazing silicon-based spray-on coating called NeverWet that can make almost anything completely waterproof. An iPhone sprayed with NeverWet still functions perfectly after being submerged underwater for half an hour. Spraying the coating on clothes causes liquids (e.g. water, oil, chocolate syrup) to slide right off.

When Protecting Your Lens Goes Too Far

How far can you go in protecting your gear before people start thinking you have serious issues? We're not exactly sure, but the guy in the photo above probably crossed that line quite a few filters ago. Thankfully (or sadly, depending on how you see it) the guy isn't actually an uber-paranoid photographer, but just someone from the BorrowLenses team having a little fun.