
Adorable Portraits of Dogs Before and After Their Haircut

Here's a little something that's bound to put a smile on your face before you head off into the weekend. It's a new series of dog portraits called Hairy, and they're some of the most adorable before-and-after shots you've ever seen.

Hair Stocks Are My New Favorite Photoshop Hack

I have this project I’ve been working on for a few weeks now. It is a conceptual portrait commission for one of my clients. The goal of the image is to create something with the feeling of “The Dutch Masters” -- something with a painterly feel, but not necessarily with visible paint strokes.

I finally got the image to a point where I was ready for some feedback, so I uploaded the image to get some critiques from my artistic tribe.

Tutorial Shows How to Mask Out Hair from a Background in Photoshop

When it comes to masking out and/or selecting hair in an image, be it to remove a background or selectively style it, it’s never an easy task. Even with the most tamed of manes, it can be a pain, but thanks to this "Advance Hair Selection Tutorial" by the Photoshop Training Channel, your life is going to get a lot easier.

Group of Friends Shave Their Heads Ahead of Surprise Portrait with Sick Friend

You might not know it if you watch too much TV, but there is a great deal of goodness in this human race of ours... and it runs deep. South African portrait photographer Albert Bredenhann discovered this in a big way recently when he was hired to do a photo shoot for a group of friends, one of which had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.

That kind of photo shoot is touching in and of itself, but the group took the idea further than that when they all voluntarily shaved their heads ahead of the surprise portrait.

Tutorial Shows Quick, Effective Method For Managing Stray Hairs in Post

No matter who it is you're photographing or where you're taking their picture, it's almost inevitable that in at least a few shots there will be some stray hairs flying across the photo. Usually, the result is an extra hour or so in post-production trying to get the hairs out one-by-one. Cue infomercial guy saying: "There has to be a better way!"

Clever Photos of Men with Hairy Beards

To make the point that Garnier Fructis' hair products are great for both women and men, advertising agency Publicis teamed up with photographers Billy & Hells for a series of creative advertising photographs.

Upon first glance, each of the photographs appear to show a tough guy with a massively long beard. However, look a little closer and you'll realize that things are not what they appeared to be.