
An eyeball with the TikTok logo reflected in it

TikTok Moderator Sues Over Trauma Caused by Graphic Videos

A TikTok moderator has filed a class-action lawsuit against the company, claiming that the daily exposure to graphic videos has left her suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. She is demanding that the social media giant set up a medical fund for its moderators.

Portraits of C-Section Babies In Their First Seconds of Life Outside the Womb

Warning: This project contains graphic photographs of childbirth that may be disturbing to some viewers.

After photographer Christian Berthelot's son was born through a caesarian section procedure, an obstetrician at the hospital asked Berthelot if he wanted to shoot a series of photos showing her work in the operating room -- a strange and graphic view that most people never see. Berthelot immediately agreed.

Watch Andy Warhol Digitally Edit a Photo in 1985, Lost Works Recovered Just this Year

If you thought Photoshop 1.0 was primitive, take a look at the video above. What you’re watching is a short section of film shot at the Amiga launch conference that took place in 1985.

Specifically, you're watching world-renown artist Andy Warhol using his first ever computer to digitally edit a photograph of Debbie Harry by “painting” over it using the Amiga’s graphic program.

Infographic Maps Out the Landscape of the Photography Industry

The company LUMA Partners has gotten in the habit of occasionally mapping out various industry landscapes to show how a product or service gets from Point A (i.e. the creators, marketers, businesses, etc.) to Point Z (i.e. the buyers, brands and publishers), going through the rest of the alphabet in between.

Taking a leaf out of their book, director of kbs+ Ventures, Taylor Davidson, decided to borrow their format and do the same thing for the photography industry, mapping out how content gets from the photographers out into the world of consumers, brands and buyers.

A Graphical Comparison of Mirrorless Camera Sensors Sizes

Mirrorless cameras feature sensors larger than compact cameras and bodies smaller than DSLRs, but how do their sensor sizes compare with one another? To give you a better idea of how formats such as Nikon CX and Olympus/Panasonic Four Thirds stack up against each other, Digital Camera Database created this helpful graphic showing the relative sizes of each format.

Gap Uses Flickr Photo for Clothing Graphic without Permission

Flickr user Chris Devers recently found that one of his photographs had been used by The Gap as a design for children's clothes (here and here). The photo itself was published under a Creative Commons license requiring attribution, non-commercial use, and no derivative works -- usage conditions that were completely ignored.