
Amazon Launches Photo Print Service, Sinks Shutterfly Stock

One of the biggest companies in the world just got into the photo print business. Seattle-based ecommerce giant Amazon just launched Amazon Prints—an online service that lets users order photo prints, build photo books, and soon much more.

Free Collection of Custom Lightroom Presets from a Fuji Ambassador

Fujifilm ambassador (and author of this rather controversial article) Samuel Zeller is lending a helping hand to all the Fuji users out there. In a bid to help fellow photographers get the most out of their photos, he's giving away a whole collection of custom Lightroom presets for free!

These Google Nik Collection Video Courses Are Now 100% Free

Last week, Google dropped a bombshell when the company decided to give the Nik Collection of desktop photo editing plugins away for free—no catch, no strings attached, 100% free. But what if you have no idea how to use your newly-acquired suite of editing tools? No worries, Tim Grey has you covered.

You Can Get 2GB of Free Google Storage Today

Deal alert: if you use Google's services for your photos, emails, or life in general, you can snag an extra 2GB of permanent storage space for free today. All you need to do complete Google's simple Security Checkup to verify that your account is secure -- it takes just a few clicks of your mouse.

Here’s the Thrifty Way to Mount a DSLR Lens to Your Phone Camera

Smartphone camera quality has gotten pretty darn good in recent years, but one of the limiting factors is still the tiny lens that's found in front of the (usually) tiny sensor. Accessory makers have started addressing this problem by creating add-on lenses that you can attach to your phone to improve the look of your photos -- even ZEISS jumped into the game this week.

Jake Burgess wanted to use his Canon SLR lens on his iPhone, but he didn't want to pay the high prices it takes to buy a commercial one. So, he came up with a makeshift solution that costs $0.

Apple Stores to Offer Free 1-Hour Photo Workshops

Guess who's getting into the world of photography workshops? Apple.

That's right: the company wants people to be more adept at shooting photos with their iPhones and editing photos on their Macs, so it's now launching free 1-hour workshops on those subjects (and more) in its sleek Apple Stores.

Photographer’s Business Booms After Her Viral Act of Kindness

Selfless acts of kindness are sometimes rewarded in a big way, and that's what photographer Dana Gruszynski has been learning lately.

Last month, we shared how Gruszynski came to the rescue when a wedding photographer didn't show up at a couple's wedding. Gruszynski, who heard about the story from her cousin at the wedding, surprised the couple with a free photo shoot that faithfully recreated the wedding. The story went viral, and now Gruszynski has been overloaded with inquiries.

Everyone at Adobe MAX 2015 Received a Free Fujifilm X-T10 Kit Worth $999

Google's annual I/O conference is famous for giving attendees free phones, tablets, and laptops over the years. In case you haven't heard, Adobe has the same tradition going on with its Adobe MAX conference. At the MAX 2015 conference in Los Angeles earlier this month, Adobe gave everyone who attended a free Fujifilm X-T10 mirrorless camera and an 18-55mm kit lens. It's a kit that's worth $999.

My Free and Open Source Photography Workflow

After several years of trial and error, I finally have a complete RAW photography workflow in Linux that I am happy with.

The applications in this workflow aren’t just native to Linux, they are also free, open source software (FOSS). There is no need to dual boot, use WINE or a virtual machine. It’s a pure FOSS photography workflow running in Linux.

Wanted: Wedding Photography in Exchange for Free Instagram Publicity

Instagram has over 400 million active users now, and top photographers on the service can make thousands of dollars per photo by promoting products. With the value of Instagram followers increasing, it seems that some people are now trying to use their follower counts to get free photography.

A young couple in Chicago posted an ad this week that was aimed at photographers (and other vendors) who would be willing to offer their photography (and other services) in exchange for free publicity... through an Instagram account with 17,600 followers.