
Fake War Photographer Gets Exposed After Fooling the World

Right now, a conflict photographer named Eduardo Martins is supposedly driving around in a van somewhere in the Australian outback. And you probably won't see any new work from him anytime soon: he's in hiding after pulling off one of the craziest cons in the history of photojournalism.

How to Make a Realistic Shallow Depth of Field Using Photoshop

In this 20-minute tutorial by PiXimperfect, learn how to use Photoshop to create a realistic bokeh effect in your photo. Creating a shallow depth of field after you've taken the shot can be tricky to do convincingly, but this tutorial will show you one method for how to do it.

Expose to the Left: How to Really Maximize Image Quality at Night

We hear everyone in the photography industry talking about image quality, image quality, image quality. We especially hear about this in any circle of people chatting (or writing) about night photography. Conversations (and books, articles and blog posts) are rife with opinions and advice about how to push the limits of our cameras and lenses in order to get the best image quality in low-light situations.

This Sneaky Ode to Compositing Has a Lot More CG Elements Than You Think

Visual effects artist Roy Perker is tired of people saying that VFX and digital compositing "looks fake." So he created this fun little video to show off his own compositing skill, and educate people on what it takes to seamlessly blend real footage and computer generated imagery on screen.

The Problem of Fake Photos in Fake News

The New York Times just reported an incredible story of how a 23-year old recent college graduate created a fake news story about fraudulent Clinton votes in Ohio and netted $22,000 on a fake news website from ads.

This Can Tell You if Your Canon 50mm f/1.8 II is a Fake

It's not just memory cards that are widely counterfeited in the photo industry: there are plenty of fake cameras and lenses floating around as well. Now Canon wants you to know about a quick and easy way to see if your 50mm f/1.8 II lens is a knockoff.

That Crazy Instagram Copycat Story Might be a Big Fat Hoax

Last week, we shared the unbelievable story of travel blogger Lauren Bullen, who discovered that one of her fans had been following her and her boyfriend around the world, copying every photo they posted down to the outfits she was wearing.

It was incredible, mind-blowing, and more than a little creepy... it may also be a big hoax.

Sneak Peek: Adobe SkyReplace Swaps Out the Skies in Your Photos

Over at Adobe MAX 2016, Adobe gave a sneak peek of a new technology they're brewing called SkyReplace. The feature makes it extremely easy to replace the sky and look of a photo with just a few clicks and zero Photoshop knowledge. You can watch it in action in the 5-minute demo above.

Fukushima Photographer Defends Photos After Accusations of Fakery

If you follow just about any major news outlet, you're bound to have seen the photos of "Fukushima Kid." We published them ourselves. But today the photographer behind those shots, Keow Wee Loong, is on the defensive as another photographer accuses him of lying about the photos in search of fame.

This Wedding Photographer Turns You Into a Miniature Person

In Thailand, there's a wedding photography business that's attracting quite a bit of attention. It's called คนตัวเล็ก, which literally translates to "Small Person." The photographer's specialty is making couples look like miniature figures living in a giant world.

Fake Food Photos Made with Random Household Things

Kristina Lechner of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is a fake-food photographer (not to be confused with a fake food-photographer). Her project Food Not Food is a series of tasty photos in which everything in the frame is something inedible that was found around the house.

How to Fake Depth of Field Blur in Photoshop Using Z-Depth Pass

Here's a tutorial on how you can create fake depth of field blur in the background of photos using something known as "Z-Depth Pass." I'm not saying that this technique is better than other methods -- because it has some problems -- but it's quite different, and some of you may learn something new.

What People Look Like Online Versus in Real Life

People often use social media photos these days to make their lives seem a lot more happy, exciting, and/or glamorous than it actually is. Popular Vine comedian/actor @MelvinGregg decided to poke fun at this fact of Internet culture with a little 6-second-long Vine sketch that's going viral.

How to Turn a Photo Into a Painting with Photoshop

I recently had the absolute pleasure of meeting and shooting with Mackenzie Johnson! Today I'm going to share how I turned my portrait of her into a painting. Not everyone is a painter, but with a little time and patience -- and Photoshop -- I believe anyone can achieve this effect.

How to Create Faux Fog in Photoshop in 4 Easy Steps

While I strongly prefer adding creative touches to my photos with physical tricks and effects -- such as using dry ice for fog -- sometimes I do need some digital manipulation done in Photoshop. Here is my technique for adding some fake fog to a photo in just 4 easy steps.