
BBC’s Olympics Studio Was Fake, Made with a Game Engine

The recently-concluded 2020 Olympics weren't different just for athletes and spectators because of the coronavirus pandemic, but also for news outlets that covered the games. For example, the BBC shows how its Tokyo studio was entirely faked, recreated within Epic's Unreal gaming engine.

How to Shoot Epic Landscape ‘Selfies’

One of the most impactful types of outdoor portraiture is what you might call the 'epic' selfie: a self-portrait where the landscape photographer becomes a tiny fraction of his or her own composition, giving a sense of scale and awe to an already epic vista.

Photos of Dogs in Breathtaking Landscapes

Polish photographer Alicja Zmysłowska has a new photo series that combines her three biggest passions: photography, dogs, and traveling. The images show dogs posing in breathtaking landscapes.

This Massive Dust Storm Was Shot from a Fleeing News Helicopter

Photographer Jerry Ferguson was flying in a news helicopter this week to cover seasonal monsoon weather in Phoenix, Arizona, when a massive dust storm showed up on the horizon. As they flew away to outrun the wall of dust, Ferguson managed to capture this photo of it sweeping across the land.

How this Epic Volcano Photo Was Shot

While some may think that award-winning photos are simply snapshots created at the right place and right time, there's often a huge amount of time, effort, and dedication that goes into the process. For Mexican photographer Sergio Tapiro, it was over 15 years and over 300,000 photos.

Man Jumps Into Lake, Saves Drone at Last Possible Moment

Here's one of the most epic drone saves you'll ever see. A man named Dave Svorking was flying his camera drone over a lake when the battery died mid-flight, causing the drone to go into an uncontrolled descent straight toward the water. Svorking immediately jumped into action (literally!), and the miraculous catch was captured by the drone itself.

Volcano Eruption Makes for an Epic Wedding Photo

A photojournalist in the Philippines stumbled upon a newlywed couple while covering the Mayon volcano eruption last week. What resulted was an epic (and completely unplanned) wedding photo at the moment the volcano erupted.

This Timelapse of Canada’s Landscapes Spans 3,400 Miles and 54,000 Photos

Here's a new timelapse video that captures the epic beauty of Canada's vast landscapes. Photographer and filmmaker Florian Nick of Stuttgart, Germany, spent 6 weeks traveling 5,500km (~3,400mi) across British Columbia and Alberta, hunting for beautiful scenery. After shooting 54,000 photos, he turned them into this 3.5-minute video titled "ALIVE."

This Epic Action Sports Video Shows a Skier Freeriding Across the World

French professional skier Candide Thovex teamed up with Audi and created this jaw-dropping action sports short film that shows Thovex freeriding down gorgeous locations around the world in different seasons and different landscapes. It's been one of the most viral videos on the Web over the past day, and for good reason.

This Photographer Hiked 14 Hours for Epic Wedding Photos at Trolltunga

Trolltunga, or "Troll Tongue," is a famous rock formation in Norway that's used often for breathtaking photos. Photographer Priscila Valentina was recently asked by a couple to shoot wedding photos at the cliff. After the ridiculous challenge of hauling her photo gear to the spot, Valentina managed to capture a series of epic wedding photos of a lifetime.

My Model Triggered a Lightning Self-Portrait, And She Nailed It

My model triggered this photo of herself holding a light-painting tube with lightning in the background. I did a 30-second edit of this picture at the airport in Albuquerque and posted it right away on Instagram. It went bananas.

Photographer Dangles Paralyzed Mom Off a Cliff for Epic Mother’s Day Shoot

Epic. I hate that word. But when it comes to Benjamin Von Wong's crazy photography stunts, it's really the one that fits best. So call it "amazing." Call it "awesome." Call it "adventurous" or "dangerous" or "heart-thumping." I think hanging a paralyzed mom and her son off a cliff for some cool photos is just plain epic.

A Visual Effects Artist Made This Epic Video to Sell His Old Car

Israeli visual effects artist Eugene Romanovsky wanted to sell his old 1996 Suzuki Vitara SUV, so he created this out-of-this-world 2-minute video to advertise its qualities. The ad shows the car zipping around in ordinary landscapes before appearing in famous movies and on the moon.

Photographer Puts Mermaid on 10,000 Plastic Bottles to Raise Awareness

Over the past year or so, photographer Benjamin Von Wong has taken his talent for epic photo shoots and turned it towards trying to raise awareness for "boring" topics like climate change or wildlife conservation. His latest project continues this trend; this time, he's taking on plastic pollution.