
Don’t Mind the Gap: Why Are We Now Photoshopping School Portraits?

There is something amiss with the photo above. I’m not talking about the missing teeth on the left -- that’s the correct photo. The problem is the photo on the right. Surely we have lost the plot when we start Photoshopping an 8-year-old’s gappy grin.

Kathy Griffin Slammed for Photo Shoot Showing Decapitated Donald Trump

Emmy- and Grammy-award winning comedian Kathy Griffin and photographer Tyler Shields are in hot water this week due to a photo shoot showing Griffin holding a bloodied Donald Trump mask that's made to look like the decapitated head of the president. The photo has sparked outrage and even a public response from Trump himself.

White House ‘Furious’ About Russian Photos, Photog Slams Spy Stories

The White House was criticized by the media this week for allowing a Russian press photographer into the Oval Office for President Trump's meeting with Russia’s foreign minister while the U.S. media was shut out. Now the White House is reportedly "furious" about being "trolled" with the photos by Russia, and the Russian photographer is calling the media stories "nonsense."

Souvid Datta Admits to Doctoring and Appropriating Photos

Yesterday, we revealed that award-winning photographer Souvid Datta had published a photo back in 2014 in which a woman had been copied-and-pasted from a 1978 photo by renowned documentary photographer Mary Ellen Mark. Datta today admitted that he had indeed doctored that photo, as well as "appropriating" other photographers' work as his own.

Photographer Souvid Datta Appears to Have Plagiarized Mary Ellen Mark

The award-winning photographer Souvid Datta found himself in the middle of a controversy this week when his photo of a young sex trafficking victim was used to promote a photo contest. But now a serious new accusation has emerged that threatens Datta's credibility as a photojournalist: one of plagiarism.

Every Photo Comes with Built-In Debt, or: The Ethics of Photography

We tend to treat the ethics of taking photographs in a very much black and white fashion. We judge "He should never have shot that" or alternatively "She is on firm ground shooting that, it is OK" and then arguments revolve around that, never resolving anything.

‘Winning’ Photography (At Any Cost)

I’ve never entered a photo contest. In part because I have a fear of not winning and confronting my own mediocrity. But mostly because I have never viewed photography as sport.

Photographer Flips Off Musician After Being Called Out for Using Flash

Musician Ryan Adams got into another very public scuffle with a photographer this week. Midway through his set at the 2017 Gasparilla Music Festival, Adams, who suffers from Meniere’s disease, called out photographer Joe Sale for using flash photography and potentially putting the musician's health at risk.

Why Does Controversy Follow World Press Photo?

Another year and another controversy for World Press Photo. This year, photographer Ramin Talaie raised questions about the authenticity of Hossein Fatemi who took 2nd place in long-term projects with his An Iranian Journey.

Demotix Photographers Still Waiting a Year After Corbis Sold to VCG

After Bill Gates sold Corbis Images to Visual China Group (VCG) back in January 2016, the citizen journalism photo agency Demotix (which Corbis bought in 2012) suddenly went dark. Now, after over a year has passed since the Corbis sale, some Demotix contributors have finally received an email from VCG... with few happy answers.

Fetishizing an Entire Culture Through Photography

In September 2016, Vogue España featured Kendall Jenner in a ballet-themed photo shoot. The ballet community was up in arms over the “ballet appropriation” and disregard for the years of training that goes into being a ballet dancer. Jenner responded by explaining that “ I didn’t even know I was going to be a ballerina until I went into hair and makeup.”

Assassination Photo Named World Press Photo of the Year

If World Press Photo assigned a theme to their annual competition, this year's might have been "Tragedy." Death, imminent death, fear, loss, pain—these are the true subjects of the images that won this year's top prizes, highlighted, at the very top, by a photo of an assassin brandishing a murder weapon.

Context is Everything: The Case of One Controversial Protest Photo

A lot can be said in a single photo. As the old cliché says, “a picture is worth 1,000 words.” Certain famous images have had some impact in shaping the public perception of an event, such as Nick Ut’s “Napalm Girl” photo, which ran in many newspapers and changed how people thought about the Vietnam War.

This is the Official Portrait of Brazil’s President

If you're one of the many photographers criticizing President Trump's official portrait, take a look at the photo above: it's the official portrait of Brazil's new president. After being released yesterday, Brazilians immediately began mocking the photo.