
How to Use the Luminosity Mask in Lightroom Classic

The Luminosity Mask is a really great tool to use when it comes to retouching landscape, cityscape as well as portrait. It gives you more freedom when you use different tools in Lightroom and you will see it is awesome!

My Color Grading Workflow for Raw Landscape Photos in LR and ACR

Color grading is a vital part of creating an eye-catching image, especially if you’re shooting raw. There are many ways to tackle it, of course, but in this 12-minute video and article, I want to show my personal Lightroom color grading process from start to finish.

How To Snap Spectacular Fourth of July Fireworks This Summer

After a year indoors, this year’s Fourth of July fireworks are sure to be one of the highlights of summer. As most photographers know, the bright flash from fireworks against the dark night sky can make it tricky for both novice and experienced photographers to get a crystal-clear image of the spectacle.

postpro wand ai

PostPro Wand AI-Powered Culling Plugin Review: A Digital Assistant

After a long day on location photographing a wedding, concert, or event, the last thing most shooters want to do when they get home is sit in front of the computer and spend the next few hours sorting the images to narrow down their selections. Wand by PostPro AI is designed to help creatives save time by doing that tedious process for them.

Performance Test: Lightroom Classic is Way Faster on Apple Silicon

This morning, Adobe unveiled the long-awaited version of Lightroom Classic that is fully optimized for Apple Silicon devices, and we had a chance to test it out before release. Our hopes were high for a program so famously sluggish. Could Apple’s M1 processor deliver a hefty performance boost for photographers? In short: yes. The latest version of Lightroom Classic was up to 25 percent faster on the M1 than on our more expensive Intel-based Mac.

The Best Free Photo Editing Apps in 2024

We are all likely familiar with Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop as far as editing applications go and a lot of people love these apps for their versatility and powerful suite of features. But they do come with a price, and paying a fee isn't always what every photographer is looking for.

Xencelabs Pen Tablet Review: Already Better than Wacom

What do you get when you take a bunch of former Wacom employees, start a new company, and give them carte blanche to develop a brand new pen tablet? What you get is Xencelabs, a new player in graphics that is bringing some much-needed innovation to a stale market. This is no cheap knock-off we're talking about, Xencelabs' new Pen Tablet Medium just put Wacom on notice.

How the Calibration Tool in Adobe Lightroom Actually Works

One of the most misunderstood tools in Adobe Lightroom is the Calibration tool. This is kind of a shame, because it's also one of the most powerful tools available to us as photographers, both from a correction perspective and a creative perspective.

Why Topaz Labs DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI Blew My Mind

For the past few years, I've been content with keeping my entire photo editing worldview pegged to the Adobe ecosystem. Anything that Lightroom couldn't handle, or that required more refined content-aware heavy-lifting, was offloaded to Photoshop. And that's the way things went for a very long time.

How to Correctly Use Creative Profiles in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

A few weeks ago, I was speaking with a good friend -- who is also a heck of a photographer -- about the pros and cons of using creative profiles and presets as part of your photo editing workflow. His stance was unambiguous and straightforward: as far as he’s concerned, profiles and presets are murderers of creativity.

Wacom One Review: An Entry-Level Pen Display Perfect for Photo Editing

With the release of the Wacom One in 2020, Wacom lowered the barrier to entry into the world of pen displays and inadvertently created an ideal product for photographers. Where other pen displays in the Wacom lineup are either too big or too expensive, the Wacom One makes a great case for trading in your Intuos Pro for a more intimate photo editing experience.

Adobe Updates Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic

Adobe has announced an update to both Lightroom Classic (to version 10.2) and Lightroom (to version 4.2 on desktop) with a few new changes and performance enhancements. Both updates are available to download from Creative Cloud immediately.