I Turned IKEA Products Into Costumes for a Rembrandt Photo Shoot

I recently shot the 2017 Christmas card photo for Stavanger Foto, the passionate camera store on the west coast of Norway. Being granted full creative freedom in making the card, I went back to the old masters for inspiration.

6 Reasons You Need a 135mm f/2 Lens

Image quality, weight and value for money. We have come to accept that most lenses are strong in only one or two of these three factors, which I personally focus on when researching lenses to buy. Sometimes though, we stumble upon a great lens design which is strong in all three.

I Shoot Instax Photos That Document Victims of Violence in Chicago

In 2016, there were 762 murders in Chicago, the most by far anywhere in the United States -- more than the total of New York and Los Angeles combined. This year there have already been over 600 homicides. I was born and raised in Canada, where there are fewer murders in the entire country than Chicago has in one year.

BTS: Shooting the Cast of Frozen for Vanity Fair

After earning over $1.2 billion around the world and becoming a cultural phenomenon, Disney's Frozen will soon be reborn as a Broadway musical. Photographer Andrew Eccles was tasked by Vanity Fair to capture portraits of the cast, and the 1-minute video above is a behind-the-scenes look at the photo shoot.

7 Reasons Why the Ricoh GR is the Perfect Travel Companion (For Now)

My name is Hendrik Wieduwilt, and I'm a journalist and photographer based in Berlin, Germany. I went to Cuba with a full frame DSLR and ended up deliberately using only a compact, the Ricoh GR -- and not even the latest version (the almost identical GR II).

3D Printing Your Photo as a Lithophane

Want an interesting idea for turning your digital photo into something tangible that you can hold? Look into the lithophane, the centuries-old technique of carving an image into a piece of translucent material to create a 3D image. Photographer Daniel DeArco recently turned a photo into a lithophane with 3D printing, and he documented the experience in the 4-minute video above.

How to Shoot Epic Wide-Angle Photos of Trees

Trees invoke a sense of timelessness, of grandeur. Most species grow many centuries older than humans ever will, so let’s make trees look the part with these tips on capturing them with a wide-angle lens.

These Guns Are Made of Camera Gear

Photographer Jason Siegel is still using old camera equipment to share an anti-violence message in a creative way. Since we featured his work at the beginning of 2017, Siegel has created even more guns and weapons of war using various cameras, lenses, and accessories for his project Shoot Portraits, Not People.

Making Collodion From Scratch

A few days ago, for the first time ever in my experience with wet plate photography, I mixed up collodion from scratch. I thought I'd share about the experience.

My Sad 500px Christmas Story

On December 22nd, I received an email from 500px saying that I sold a photo for $600. Obviously, I was thrilled -- it's nice to get something like this right before Christmas. Upon logging into my 500px account, I saw that there was another sale too for the same photo. The total from the two sales: $2,700.