
Wedding Photographer Loses Photos in a Fire, Only Offers 90% Refund

If you lost all of your client's wedding photos in a house fire, would you give them a full refund? This question has been spreading across the Internet the past few days after a couple complained that their wedding photog only offered them a 90% refund after his house burned down, because of the time he already invested.

How to Be a Good Second Shooter in Wedding Photography

Whether you’re using it as a route into full-time wedding photography yourself, or just like shooting weddings with less responsibility, being a second shooter can be great fun. But there are responsibilities that come with being a second shooter, especially if you want to be invited back to shoot again!

How I Ended Up Shooting an Entire Wedding on the Google Pixel 3

I'm 50 years old and I have lived through at least two major photographic revolutions of our time: film to digital and cameras to mobile phones. As a designated "family photographer," I am suddenly a sought-after person whenever there is a birthday, a wedding, a festival, or a gathering. I am also supposed to be "armed" and ready all the time, even on a vacation!

Are Wedding Photography Competitions Fixed?

In recent years I’ve been privileged to be on the jury for a whole range of photography competitions. These include single image competitions such as WPS International Excellence Awards, Masters of Wedding Photography, and the Irish wedding photography awards (In association with Learning to Fly).

Why Empathy is the Most Important Trait of a Wedding Photographer

There are few things in life I treasure more than the photographs I have. Some are on the walls, some in albums and many hundred are in shoe boxes in the cupboard and each one has it’s own story. As I get a little older and maybe a little wiser, the value of these photographs to me has increased. These people, these moments in my life are priceless. And if we had to evacuate due to an alien invasion, they would be amongst the few things I would want to scoop up before fleeing to the safe zone, aside from the wife and kids.

A Widowed Bride’s Wedding Photos with Her Groom

A bride who lost her fiancé to a tragic accident went ahead with celebrating her wedding day. The wedding photos that resulted are a powerful testament and tribute to the bond she shared with the love of her life that she lost.

Wedding Photographer Pushes Stepmom Aside to Get the Shot

Wedding photographers often complain of 'Uncle Bobs,' or relatives who get in the way of professional photographers while trying to snap their own photos. When photographer Ashley Easterling encountered this during a wedding ceremony recently, she refused to allow the relative to ruin the bride and groom's first kiss photo.

How to Stay Creative When Regularly Shooting Weddings

I love being a wedding photographer. I get to work with amazing couples, travel to incredible places and do something that is fundamentally creative. While weddings offer unparalleled opportunities for creativity due to the nature of shooting so many different people in different places, there are things I consciously keep in mind to make sure I mix things up and have the best chances of always remaining creative… no matter where I am.

5 Wedding Photography Tips for If You’re Just Starting Out

While I was working full-time as a wedding photographer, I was shooting around 30 to 40 weddings a year. I would spend my weekends shooting and during the week I would be editing, responding to emails, writing blog posts, and watching cat videos… errm, I mean doing very important other business related stuff like making videos for my YouTube channel.

Don’t Ruin Your Wedding Photography Career Before It Starts

So, you are about to embark on your first solo wedding shoot of your career. You’ve got butterflies in your stomach, you’re stressed, and the pressure is most certainly setting in. Don’t panic, read this carefully and you will be well prepared for photographing the most important day of someone’s life.

Newlyweds Barely Avoid Falling Tree Branch in Wedding Video

Wedding photography can be unpredictable, and it's the job of the photographer to keep shooting through unforeseen challenges. Photographer Freddy Hernandez was shooting video of a couple in Wisconsin last weekend when there was a loud crack. When they looked up, they saw a large tree branch plummeting down at them.

Destination Wedding Survival Guide for Photographers

Have you considered offering destination wedding photography to your clients but questioned the amount of work and risks involved? We will dive deep in this article, covering various topics to help you succeed on your first destination wedding assignment.

How I Shot A Wedding With Just One 35mm Lens

I recently shot a wedding with just one lens, a Rokinon 35mm t/1.5 on a Sony a7S II body. This was completely unplanned and wasn’t done to prove any point.

I Fell Into the Ocean While Shooting a Wedding

This is the story of how I fell into the ocean while shooting a wedding. I was contracted to shoot a wedding for a couple named Erin and Ben. It was poised to be a beautiful day: we had great weather and everyone involved was super excited as the wedding ceremony was to be out on a small island just off the coast of Pender Harbour, North of Vancouver, Canada.

5 Easy Fixes for Common Posing Mistakes

Small details can make or break the effectiveness of a pose when photographing couples. Here's a 6-minute video in which wedding photographers Sara Byrne and Phil Chester share 5 simple spot corrections that take poses from plain to pro.

Wedding Photographer Captures Owl ‘Attacking’ Best Man

UK wedding photographer Stacey Oliver was photographing a castle wedding ceremony earlier this month when an owl was brought out to bring the rings down the aisle. Things didn't exactly go according to plan, resulting in a series of very memorable wedding photos.

Shooting a Most Special Wedding on 24-Hour Notice

The other day, there was a posting on Facebook by a groom "putting it out there," hoping on a long shot that he could find somebody to shoot their wedding on very, very short notice.

Wedding Photography Lighting Tips, From Preparation to Reception

My name is Jimmy Chan, and I'm the wedding photographer of Pixelicious in Montreal, Canada. I decided to challenge myself and write a comprehensive, in-depth guide to wedding photography in any lighting situation. As the title suggests, it will cover from preparation to reception and beyond, dissecting the characteristics of light while offering many step-by-step actionable tips to delight your next client.