
What is Brand Storytelling and Why Does It Matter?

In today’s world, it is easier than ever to start a business. Explore Instagram on any given day and you will inevitably see an ad for some new online retailer. It begs the question: How, in such a saturated online marketplace, can a fledgling brand separate itself from the pack and survive?

How to Tell an Effective Brand Story With Your Photos

Any writer worth their salt knows that a good story is comprised of three primary components: Character, Setting, and Plot. The same can be said of visual storytelling, regardless of the medium.

How to Find Your Photographic Style

Finding your photographic style takes time. It's a process. You may even think you found it only to discover that your preferences have changed. That's okay. That's good. It means that you are growing and evolving on your journey.

How to Find Your Photography Style Fast

Let’s not waste any time. What is the most important element in someone’s photography style? The quick answer is repetition.

Photographic Style Can’t Be ‘Canned’

Conversations around photographic style have always felt a little odd to me for a few reasons. It’s something I get asked about a lot by my students, as they feel that without a style, a visual signature, then they will find it very difficult to differentiate themselves from other working artists.

How to Find Your Photographic Style

You have found your style when you can’t do anything else. It’s your default, your normal, your nature. Style comes when imitation and influence perish. It's something that becomes one... you, yours. Defining your style or finding your style is a life’s journey.

Shooting Like Bruce Gilden Is Harder Than It Looks

Bruce Gilden is one of the top street photographers of our generation. He’s controversial, talented and he has his own style… so there’s no question as to why some might want to emulate him.

How to Find Your Style in Photography

How do I find my style? It’s a question that inevitably comes up for almost every photographer actively trying to improve their images. It’s a tough question, at first. Because at first, you don’t really know what that means. Many photographers think that “style” is just equal to how someone might edit their images.

Teaching Photographic Style

I’ve been thinking about photography and personal style and the different ways to teach it. I’m trying to help, share and guide people along their way in finding their unique photographic style. Seeing if I can find that quick fix, that beaten path someone else has already made for us. Sadly over the many years of reflection and research, I’ve found that there is no blue pill.

Developing Your Photographic Style

Defining your style is one of the, if not the, most difficult and time-consuming aspects of photography. It takes many people years or even decades of shooting before they really start to narrow down their photographic style.

Photos of Japan’s Unusual Playgrounds at Night

Japanese photographer Kito Fujio has captured a series of photos of his country's playgrounds at night. The Japanese playground structures play straight into the stereotypical robots and creative designs that we might associate with the country, but under artificial lighting at night, they take on a new dynamic.

Why I Only Use One Lens

After many years of experience using different lenses, I now have resorted to only using a single prime lens. I started with a 50mm, then added an 85mm, 35mm, 100mm, and 28mm to my collection, and I’ve played around with zooms. But now I exclusively use a 50mm lens. No more zooms and no more choices. But why would I volunteer to limit myself?

Use Deliberate Practice to Find Your Photographic Style

There are many aspects that make up a 'personal style' in photography. It could be the gear you use, the type of light, your post processing style or film choice. Your style could be determined by the stories you are trying to tell, the philosophy behind your work, your concept or message.