
These Studio Portraits of Smashed Electronics are Oddly Satisfying

From time to time, we all get that desire to throw one of our electronics at the wall and/or smash it with a bat. But how many of us ever actually get to do it? For photographer Jaap Vliegenthart, he got to live out this fantasy: crushing some of his old electronics to smithereens and then capturing the aftermath.

Canon Patents Smartphone Camera Attachment with Multiple Lenses

A new patent has been unearthed that reveals yet another strange camera design from the folks at Canon. Following in the footsteps of the "clippable" IVY REC and monocular Powershot Zoom camera, this particular creation would be a smartphone camera attachment that lets you swap in various lenses.

This Guy Turned His Game Boy Camera Into a Functional Webcam

A couple of days ago a user on r/Gameboy asked the community if there was any way to turn his Game Boy Camera into a functioning webcam so that (in his words) "I can be an a** to people I don't respect." Well, someone came through and showed that it is actually possible to do this.

This Guy Mounted a 70-200mm Lens on His Game Boy Camera for Portraits

Sam McKenzie from the YouTube channel 3D Printor recently embarked on a fun project. Using a 3D printed adapter he found on Thingiverse, he modded a classic Game Boy Camera, shot portraits using a 70-200mm lens (approximately 3000mm equivalent), and printed one of those portraits on canvas.

That Navy UFO Footage Has an Optical Explanation

The Pentagon made headlines around the world this week when it officially released several UFO videos that were internally declassified in 2017, confirming their authenticity. And while this has sparked a flurry of "aliens among us" speculation, some are pointing out that there is an optical explanation behind each of the three clips.

This Japanese Smartphone Uses AI to Keep Users from Taking Nude Photos

Japanese company Tone Mobile has released a very... special... new smartphone. Aimed at parents who want to keep their kids from making bad choices, the TONE e20 has an AI-powered "Smartphone Protection" feature that prevents users from shooting or saving "inappropriate" photos (read: naked pictures).