
This Kit Makes Multi-Object Motion Control and Capture Easy

You've probably seen elaborate scenes in commercials where the camera will be moving forward while light changes and a hamburger comes flying together, right? Usually, these moves are very complicated, but this company wants to make it simple with a connected and modular smart system.

Using a Drone to Create Stop-Motion Animations in the Sky

Before we jump into this blog post if you haven’t already read how I do drone light paintings horizontally in the sky be sure to check this out here. If you have done that already (or don’t wanna read something else) get ready to have your socks knocked off because we are flipping them into vertical space and animating our light paintings all with stop motion.

Photographer Goes Stop-Motion Skiing on His Living Room Floor

Barcelona-based photographer, filmmaker, and skiier Philipp Klein Herrero was going to go on a ski trip with his family before lockdown hit and they all got stuck inside. But Herrero decided to go skiing anyway... on his living room floor, that is.

Photoshop 101: How to Create a Stop Motion Animation

The latest episode of Adobe's YouTube series "3 2 1 Photoshop" is for anybody who wants to get into stop motion photography, but has no idea how to actually create a simple animation from a series of still photos.

This Music Video Was Made with 2,250 Printed Photos

This is the music video for the song "UnAmerican" by the indie rock band Said The Whale. The stop-motion video was created by hand without digital effects: it features 2,250 separate photo prints rephotographed over a period of 80 hours.

How to Smash $5,000 in Nikon Lenses

Here's an 8-second video showing $5,000 in Nikon lenses getting smashed with a mallet. If you cringe at the thought of harm coming to any photographic equipment, here's the good news: the video isn't what you think. It's a creative video by stop-motion extraordinaire PES.

How Stop-Motion Photography Has Evolved Since 1900

Stop-motion photography has come a long way since the early 1900s, but it still involves creating an animation one frame at a time by introducing slight changes and movements between still photos. To see how far we've come with the technique, check out this 3-minute video, titled "The Evolution of Stop-Motion."

Stop Motion Starling Murmurations Created with Hand-Carved Birds

A European starling murmuration is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena on Earth—each bird reacting to its 7 closest neighbors, the whole flock an ever-shifting mix of patterns and shapes. So how in the world could you recreate something that intricate with stop motion photography?