
Photos of Babies with Grown-Up Teeth

If you need a chuckle today (or a nightmare tonight), there's a strange new photo project you can check out called Babies With Teeth. As its name suggests, each of the bizarre photos shows an infant with grown-up teeth 'Photoshopped' into their tiny mouths.

People from 1900s Detroit Photos Photoshopped Into Modern Day Ruins

The city of Detroit, Michigan has gone through huge economic and demographic changes over the past century. Once a booming car-making city with 1.85 million residents back in the 1950s, the beaten-down city had just 700,000 in 2013.

Hungarian photographer and retoucher Flora Borsi wanted to capture the city's challenges in images, so she combined vintage photos from 1900s with modern day pictures she made on recent visits.

Unretouched Photo from Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein Shoot Reveals Photoshop Enhancements

Update: Please see below for new developments.

Singer Justin Bieber is the new face of Calvin Klein, and a number of new advertising photos and videos have been published in recent days as part of a new #mycalvins campaign. The black and white photos are causing a bit of controversy though: a leaked unretouched version of one photo suggests that quite a bit of Photoshop was used to alter Bieber's appearance and... proportions.

A Jaw-Dropping Demonstration of Beauty Retouching Done on 4K Video

Beauty retouching on still photographs of faces is both ubiquitous and controversial in some industries. You've likely seen your fair share of tutorials and demonstrations that show amazing feats of Photoshop, but did you know that the same 'shops can be done on video? And not just any video, mind you: 4K video.

Photo of Lunar Eclipse Over New Jersey Causes a Stir

A couple days ago Flickr published a blog post featuring a handful of member photographs of the December 2010 lunar eclipse. The first image in the post was "The 2010 Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse over Jersey City, NJ" (shown above) by photographer Steve Kelly.