
Photoshop 101: What’s the Difference Between Curves and Levels?

If you want to manipulate the light and color information in an image using Photoshop, two of the most common tools for the task are Curves and Levels. But how do these two adjustments actually differ? And when might you choose to use one instead of the other? That's exactly what Aaron Nace explains in this helpful video.

How to Swap Faces in Photoshop in Four Easy Steps

Our friend Pye Jirsa from SLR Lounge recently teamed up with the folks from Adorama to put together a very handy Photoshop tutorial you may want to bookmark for later. In this video, he shows you how to swap faces and expressions in four easy steps.

How to Create the Perfect Photoshop Toolbar for Your Editing Needs

Photoshop master Unmesh Dinda at PIXimperfect has put together a simple tutorial that could have a significant impact on your photo editing workflow. In a few minutes, he'll show you how to customize your editing experience and create your personal "dream Photoshop toolbar."

A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering the Pen Tool in Photoshop

Los Angeles-based automotive photographer Dave Cox (AKA @ShootingDave) has put together a useful beginner's guide that will help you master what he's calling "the sexiest tool" in Photoshop: the Pen Tool. "Sexy" might sound like a stretch, but Dave has a point. The Pen Tool can make detailed masking a breeze... if you know how to use it.

This Crash Course Will Help You Master Luminosity and Luminosity Masks

Photoshop expert Sid Vasandani of StyleMyPic has put together a fantastic, in-depth look at luminosity masks that could significantly speed up your photo editing workflow. If you don't understand luminosity or you've never used luminosity masks, this tutorial could legitimately change the way you make selections.

How to Sharpen in Photoshop: An In-Depth Tutorial

If you're not sure how to properly sharpen your images in Photoshop, this tutorial from the Photoshop Training Channel is a godsend—a deep dive into the most common sharpening techniques complete with an explanation of which ones are better and why.

How to Create a ‘Double Exposure’ Using Photoshop

We love a good in-camera double exposure; done right, they can look as surreal as anything we can create in post. But if you don't have the skills, expertise, or interest in doing it in-camera, this quick tutorial shows you exactly how to fake the 'double exposure effect' in Photoshop.

Photoshop Tutorial: Using Luminosity Masks vs Blend If

Photoshop's tools frequently overlap, and a great example of this is Luminosity Masks vs Blend If. Both can be used to do the same thing, but they work in slightly different ways. This useful tutorial breaks down the differences so you know when and how to use each tool.

How to Create Realistic Jedi Levitation Portraits

Photographer, weird lens expert, and friend of PetaPixel Mathieu Stern created this very simple and straightforward Photoshop tutorial for anybody out there who wishes they were a Jedi and wants to impress their friends.

Select and Mask vs Refine Edge, or: Why Select and Mask Kind of Sucks

Adobe is dedicated to updating Photoshop consistently, but those updates don't always go so well. A lot of people have rolled back their healing brush tool, and ever since Select and Mask replaced Refine Edge this summer, people have been complaining. Meanwhile, Nate Dodson over at Tutvid has been desperately trying to make this new tool work.

5 Mistakes Photographers Make in Photoshop

Making mistakes is a powerful learning tool, but that statement only holds true if you realize what you're doing is a mistake. To that end, here are 5 of the most common Photoshop mistakes photographers make.

Quick Tip: A Cleaner Way to Sharpen Your Photos in Photoshop

When you sharpen a photograph, what you're doing is adding contrast to the edges in an image, but unfortunately, that often leads to black and white edging in some areas. In this short, useful Photoshop tutorial, Jimmy McIntyre will show you how to avoid this and sharpen your photos cleanly in Photoshop.

Two Ways to Dodge and Burn More Effectively in Photoshop

While Photoshop does have the "Dodge" and "Burn" tools, using them destructively on your original image is definitely not the best way to edit your photos. Check out this tutorial to discover two dodge and burn techniques that are more effective, cleaner, and smarter.

3 Easy Ways to Get that Faded ‘Film Look’ in Photoshop

Everyone's digging that "faded" film look nowadays, but here's a secret: you don't have to have a VSCO preset pack to get it. In this short tutorial, Mathieu Stern will show you three very quick and very effective ways to "crush the blacks" and get that popular look using just Photoshop.

How to Create a Window Reflection Effect in Photoshop

Window reflection portraits are a popular style, but you don't need to live near an empty cafe on a busy New York City street (do those even exist?) to create a photo like this. The effect is pretty easy to replicate in Photoshop in just a few steps.