
Stellar Astrophotography Tips for Upcoming Astronomical Phenomenons

With several astrolnomical events coinciding with the Winter Solstice, including the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction and the Ursids Meteor Shower, December 21st is poised to be a prime opportunity for practicing nighttime and astrophotography skills.

How to Optimize Lightroom Classic for the Best Performance

One of the consequences of reviewing computers for PetaPixel and running benchmark after benchmark is that you learn a thing or two about working in Lightroom. From weird quirks to the optimal performance settings for import, export, and editing, there are a few key changes you can make to coax a little more speed out of Adobe's Raw editor.

AI Editing Will NOT Ruin Photography

AI is the #1 buzzword in the digital photography world. Skylum, which has ridden the AI photo editing craze better than any company, is about to release Luminar AI. ON1 now offers ON1 Portrait AI. DxO announced DxO DeepPRIME, which it describes as “an artificial intelligence technology dedicated to editing photos in RAW format.”

AI and the Battle for the Future of Photo Editing

For photographers, AI photo editing is no longer a fringe topic for ML researchers or a gimmick employed by smartphone apps. With the impending release of Skylum's Luminar AI and Adobe calling the latest build of Photoshop "the world’s most advanced AI application for creatives," it's time for the community to reckon with an important question: What does this mean for photography, photo editing, and creativity at large?

How to Get Professional Results with Photoshop’s AI Sky Replacement Tool

One of the major updates to the latest version of Photoshop is the addition of Sky Replacement: a tool that has the potential to save you a ton of time when editing your landscape images. But as Aaron Nace explains in this video, this AI-powered tool requires a bit of thought if you want to get professional results.

New Video Shows Off the Powerful Landscape Editing Tools in Luminar AI

In their latest demo of the upcoming Luminar AI photo editor, Skylum takes aim at landscape photographers and shows them just how powerful Luminar's machine learning-based tools really are. From Enhance AI for relighting and color grading, to Atmosphere AI for adding fog and other effects, there are some impressive automatic editing tools coming to your laptop very soon...

Loupedeck and Adobe Team Up on Bespoke Photoshop Plugin

Part of Adobe's big Photoshop update today was the announcement of a new "plugin experience," including a bespoke Plugin Marketplace and special Plugin Launchpad. And one of the first photography companies to take advantage of the new experience is editing console maker Loupedeck.

How to Use Photoshop to Turn Video Into Long Exposure Photos

As you may very well know, long exposure photography is a method by which you expose a sensor to a scene for an extended period of time. But in this 15-minute video, PiXimperfect asks the question, then isn't a video just a long exposure? Well, not really, but you can use a video to make long exposure photos.

Photoshop 101: What’s the Difference Between Curves and Levels?

If you want to manipulate the light and color information in an image using Photoshop, two of the most common tools for the task are Curves and Levels. But how do these two adjustments actually differ? And when might you choose to use one instead of the other? That's exactly what Aaron Nace explains in this helpful video.

How to Swap Faces in Photoshop in Four Easy Steps

Our friend Pye Jirsa from SLR Lounge recently teamed up with the folks from Adorama to put together a very handy Photoshop tutorial you may want to bookmark for later. In this video, he shows you how to swap faces and expressions in four easy steps.

This Free Photoshop Add-On Will Read You Jokes and Puns While You Work

Retoucher Pratik Naik and his co-workers at Infinite Tools have released a fun (and free) little side-project that you might want to get in on. It's called the "Infinite Jokes Panel" and it's a Photoshop add-on that will read you jokes, puns, and condescending statements about your photo editing abilities while you work.

How to Create the Perfect Photoshop Toolbar for Your Editing Needs

Photoshop master Unmesh Dinda at PIXimperfect has put together a simple tutorial that could have a significant impact on your photo editing workflow. In a few minutes, he'll show you how to customize your editing experience and create your personal "dream Photoshop toolbar."

5 Editing Tricks That Will Transform Any Landscape Photo

If you ever leave an outdoor location without having captured the exact landscape photo you had in mind due to unfavorable conditions, don't give up on the photos you shot -- not all is lost. In this 14-minute video, photographer Mark Denney shares 5 editing "hacks" he often uses to compensate for bad weather and/or lighting.

Adobe Adds ‘Refine Edge’ Brush to Photoshop on the iPad

Adobe continues to update and improve Photoshop on the iPad. The December update brought Subject Select, February was Object Select, May brought Curves and Pen Pressure Sensitivity, and today's update adds another very important selection tool: the Refine Edge brush.