
Recreated Family Photos from Around the World

Then-and-now photo recreations have become extremely popular online over the past several years. Especially with rephotographed family photos from decades past, the concept offers a fascinating look at how people have changed over the years.

Photographer Tracks Down Strangers He Shot 40 Years Ago

Starting about 40 years ago, photographer Chris Porsz began shooting street portraits of strangers he met in his hometown of Peterborough in England. For the past few years, Porsz has been tracking down those subjects and asking them to pose for recreations of those decades-old photos. The ambitious project is titled Reunions.

Little Planet Photo Shows a Total Solar Eclipse Over Norway

When a total solar eclipse occurred back on March 20, 2015, photographer György Soponyai decided to capture it in a creative way. He shot a series of photos of the sun traveling across the sky above Norway, and then stitched the images together into the above "little planet" photo of the sun being eclipsed.

I Reshot Old Photos to See How China Has Changed Over 100 Years

When most people travel, they think of travelling to a destination. Whether it’s climbing Mt. Fuji, gawking at the frescoes in the Vatican, or relishing spicy cuisine in Thailand, most people think of the destination for what it has to offer, from culture to scenery to sensational experiences.

Photographer Shows the 4 Seasons of Melbourne in a Single Frame

Melbourne, Australia-based photographer Alexander Chin recently completed an impressive project that deals with the passage of time. Over the course of 3 years between March 2013 and February 2016, he repeatedly visited iconic locations in Melbourne and captured a timelapse in each season of the year.

He then edited the 4 seasons together into one frame to create the mesmerizing time-lapse video above, titled "The Four Seasons of Melbourne."

These Before and After Photos Show How Glaciers in the US Are Melting

Over the past several years, the U.S. Geological Survey has been shooting a "Repeat Photography" project in various locations to show how glacier ice has been retreating over the past century. Using photos from the late 1800s and early 1900s as references, photographers are rephotographing those same scenes to show how things have changed (and are changing).

A Photographer’s Portraits of His Wife Over 40+ Years

42 years ago, photographer Frank Gross said "I do" to his wife Helene. Since that day, through the ups and downs of his photographic career, Gross consistently pointed his camera at his wife and family, creating beautiful portraits that span over 4 decades of his family's life together.

Frank has collected a number of those portraits together to create a project titled "Helene." It's an ongoing series that tells the story of Helene's life through "broad strokes."

People from 1900s Detroit Photos Photoshopped Into Modern Day Ruins

The city of Detroit, Michigan has gone through huge economic and demographic changes over the past century. Once a booming car-making city with 1.85 million residents back in the 1950s, the beaten-down city had just 700,000 in 2013.

Hungarian photographer and retoucher Flora Borsi wanted to capture the city's challenges in images, so she combined vintage photos from 1900s with modern day pictures she made on recent visits.

A Time-Lapse of 24 Hours of Sunlight in Antarctica

In the summer time at Scott Base in Antarctica, there are 4 months in which the Sun never sets. From the latter part of October through the latter part of February, the Sun stays above the horizon line, giving each day 24 hours of sunlight.

New Zealand filmmaker Anthony Powell, the man behind the award-winning film Antarctica: A Year on Ice, created this 2-minute time-lapse video by pointing a camera at the Sun and tracking it over a full day of daylight.

Portraits of the Same Dogs Across Several Years

If you're a dog lover, photographer Amanda Jones has a photo project that will tug at your heartstrings. After photographing 30 different dogs as puppies years ago, she revisited them and captured what they look like as older dogs. The before-and-after portraits, a series titled "Dog Years," show how dog's have a unique spark of personality that lasts a lifetime.

9 Months of Pregnancy Captured in a 3-Minute Room Decorating Time-Lapse

When photography enthusiasts John and Sara Jennings found out they were expecting their first child, they decided to get capturing the pregnancy on camera. They shot a series of photos every week for 9 months while they painted a picture and set up the nursery. Afterward, they combined the shots into this creative 3-minute time-lapse video in which Sara gradually gets closer and closer to their daughter's birth as she's working on the room.

Father and Son Take the Same Picture Every Year for Nearly 3 Decades

An anonymous father and son over in China are making headlines in that country and across the Internet after their special photos tradition came to light recently. Ever since the son was born in 1986, he and his father have posed for a picture together every year up through 2013. Together, the photos form a powerful series of images showing this special relationship over nearly three decades of life together.

Two Wedding Photos Recreated 40 Years Later

Earlier this month, Reddit user magic976's parents celebrated their 40th anniversary as husband and wife. To mark the occasion, they decided to recreate two photos from their wedding day back in 1975.