
No More Light Painting Inside National Parks?

Buried within the 2016 Superintendent’s Compendium for Grand Tetons National Park & John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway is a small, pesky provision that disallows the use of strobes or other artificial light from dusk til dawn.

My Model Triggered a Lightning Self-Portrait, And She Nailed It

My model triggered this photo of herself holding a light-painting tube with lightning in the background. I did a 30-second edit of this picture at the airport in Albuquerque and posted it right away on Instagram. It went bananas.

How to Build a LED Wand Light for $30

In this 8-minute video by Macroscope Pictures, learn how to build a color changing wand light with your own two hands for only $30 in materials. For an extra 15 bucks, you can add a Wi-Fi controller and control the finished product with your phone.

Photographer Shoots Phoenix Wings by Light Painting with Fire

Photographer Derek VanAlthuis took his light painting photography to fiery new heights last week when he captured this photo. In it, his model is flying away on wings created by light painting with actual fire. In fact, that fire is the only light used in the shot.

How to Make a DIY Light Painting Brush for Cool Still Life Effects

A couple of weekends ago I was playing about with some ideas for a new portfolio shot involving a wall clock. Now, this clock happens to look a bit like a pocket watch, and a pocket watch normally has a chain (see where I'm going with this?). So I figured: "what if instead of a chain, I use some wispy light trails?"

Combining Fitness and Fire Photography

We've all seen photographs before of light trails through various forms of light painting—cars passing by, flashlights, pixelsticks, wool spinning, etc. But have you ever seen someone use fire inside a gym to create light trails?

The Pablo App Brings Light Painting Photography to the iPhone

If you're using a smartphone to capture light painting photos, the phone is usually IN the photo as a light source. But the new Pablo app lets you actually use your iPhone as the camera, capturing light trails that mimic traditional long exposure shots.

A Basic Guide to Light Painting Photography

Light painting has been a basic technique in my photography ever since I learned how to really play with it. I started by just doing the usual of writing names and doing swirls but then I learned how to use it for my professional work.

How to Create Raindrops of Light with Steel Wool

GoPro just released this 4-minute video tutorial titled "Creating Fire Rain: A Steel Wool Experiment." It's a look at how you can create raindrops of light by burning and spinning steel wool, a technique that has gotten a lot of attention (both good and bad) over the past few years.

An Experiment in Long Exposure Wildlife Photography at Night

The photo above of a wild genet is a single 73-second exposure that took many hours, tons of patience, and a bit of technology to capture. In this post, I'll share how I combined wildlife photography with light painting.

Capturing Fire Dancers Under the Milky Way, on a Deserted Island

At the beginning of this year, I started the photography trip of a lifetime, planning to travel to all 7 continents in a single trip. Currently I’m at Siargao in the Philippines, a paradise location surrounded by beautiful white sand islands.

Steel Wool Photographer Burns Down Historic 1920s Landmark

If you ever try your hand at light painting photography with burning steel wool, be extra careful with safety and legality. Just a few months after a photographer allegedly destroyed a historic shipwreck in California with his sparks, another steel wool photo shoot has burned down a historic 1920s building in a US national preserve.

How to Shoot Psychedelic Spirograph Light Paintings

One of my favourite places to light paint is inside tunnels, waterways and other curved structures. These structures are perfect for creating spirograph light paintings.