
I Asked Photographers for Ideas for Photography Horror Movies

I asked photographers to come up with a premise for a photography-based horror movie, and the answers did not disappoint. Some of these situations quite literally terrify me to think about, and others make me outright laugh!

Comic: Who Needs a Fancy Telephoto Lens, Anyway?

xkcd's comic today pokes fun at the growing world of lens adapters and extenders. With so many ways to convert between camera systems and with so many ways to extend your reach, who needs a fancy shmancy telephoto lens... right?

21 Signs You’re a Cocky Photographer

Over the years, I’ve joked frequently with my best friend Marc and my brother about things that are cocky in life. We sort of have this ongoing dialog pointing out cocky things and cocky people in the world, which is pretty cocky of us. They’ve also given me a lot of s**t since I became a photographer a decade ago.

Foreigners Are Photo Ops in China

If you're a tall white guy walking around in touristy parts of China, there's a good chance you may be stopped by random people and asked to pose for a photo. This strange phenomenon can be seen in this 3-minute video recorded a few years ago by comedian Paul Ogata. It's titled, "Yes You May Photograph My White Guy."

My Worst Nightmare Came True: I S**t My Pants on a Photo Shoot

Hey guys. I'm a long-time PetaPixel reader and guest writer, but to avoid tarnishing my photography business forever and making my clients super uncomfortable, I’m going to use a pseudonym for this story of my worst nightmare coming true. Just call me Ernst Barnak.

Strange Conversations from Working in a Camera Store

I've worked in a camera store now for about a year and a half, and I've been a photographer for about 7 years. I enjoy working in the camera shop, as it's my one consistent form of income as a photographer.

This Bride Doesn’t Have Girlfriends, So She Did a Photo Shoot with Bros

24-year-old Rebeca Brantes of Brazil is a computer engineering student who's one of just 4 women in her class of 60 students. Leaving up to her recent wedding, Brantes realized that she didn't have any girlfriends from school for a bridal photo shoot, so she decided to invite her best guy friends for an unusual photo series.

A Visual Effects Artist Made This Epic Video to Sell His Old Car

Israeli visual effects artist Eugene Romanovsky wanted to sell his old 1996 Suzuki Vitara SUV, so he created this out-of-this-world 2-minute video to advertise its qualities. The ad shows the car zipping around in ordinary landscapes before appearing in famous movies and on the moon.

This Graph Captures the Struggle of Organizing Your Photo Library

The photo organization struggle is real. Whether you're a professional photographer shooting thousands of photos per client, or a hobbyist who can't resist grabbing your phone for every sunset, today's xkcd comic captures your photo organization struggles beautifully.

Ok, We Get It. You Shot It With Your Phone.

Ok, we get it. You shot it with your phone. You brought your DSLR, but you fell into a fountain and waterlogged all your gear. The repair estimate was nearly $2,000, except you went to Thailand and got it fixed for $120. Good thing you had your iPhone.

Dad Poses for Hilarious Maternity Shoot Parody, Nails It

This photo shoot is a year old, but we are so happy we stumbled across it today. After shooting too many maternity shoots in a row, photographer Martyn Wilkes decided to break the monotony with a bit of fun. He asked his friend Francisco Pérez to pose for his own "maternity" shoot.

Dad Photoshops Baby Into Dangerous Situations to Freak Out Relatives

Designer and Dad Stephen Crowley is doing his best to give his relatives a heart attack... Photoshop style. The creative father recently decided to Photoshop his 18-month-old daughter Hannah into "marginally dangerous situations" for a laugh, and the results have gone viral.

How NOT to Photograph the Moon

There are plenty of tutorials and examples on the Web for capturing amazing photographs of the moon. Photojournalist Van Applegate recently experienced a humorous personal fail that shows how not to do it.

Expose to the Left: How to Really Maximize Image Quality at Night

We hear everyone in the photography industry talking about image quality, image quality, image quality. We especially hear about this in any circle of people chatting (or writing) about night photography. Conversations (and books, articles and blog posts) are rife with opinions and advice about how to push the limits of our cameras and lenses in order to get the best image quality in low-light situations.

Silly Comedy Skit Explains How Photo and Cinema Zoom Lenses Differ

For us photo-people, the insane price tag on some Cinema zoom lenses makes zero sense. Why not just use really nice photography glass? What makes a Cinema zoom lens worth it? A lot, actually, and this short little comedy bit illustrates the difference between the two options perfectly.