
The Nikon Z7 Louis Vuitton Edition

Behold: the ultra-uber-limited Nikon Z7 Louis Vuitton edition. The 24K gold camera is wrapped in soft albino buckskin covered with the luxury label's famous LV monogram. Only 7 will be produced with each camera (bundled with a 24-70mm f/4S lens and exotic strap) priced at $7 million.

This Stock Photo Fail Was Spotted at a Supermarket in Poland

This line of hand mixers was spotted in Poland in a Biedronka store (the largest discount supermarket chain). Instead of properly using licensed Shutterstock stock photos that come without watermarks, the graphic designers used watermark versions. And apparently, no one noticed (or cared).

Everyone is Sharing Hilariously Bad Stock Photos of Their Jobs

Stock photos generally aren't the best at showing realistic views of what different jobs are like, but sometimes they're hilariously inaccurate. People have recently taken to social media to point out the worst offenders, and the new viral hashtag #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob has been a solid source of laughs.

When You Want Romantic Photos, But You Only Have Yourself…

There are a lot of standard and cliché poses used by photographers shooting romantic portraits of couples in love. One of the key ingredients is having two people in the frame. Photographer Malley Victoria of LaGrange, Georgia, recently shot a series of portraits of a guy in the style of a couples photo shoot.

The Best Photography April Fools’ Jokes of 2018

April Fools' Day rolled through on a Sunday this year, but there was no shortage of tongue-in-cheek stories published in the world of photography. Here's a roundup of some of the best jokes put out by companies and publications.

Wedding Photographer Captures Owl ‘Attacking’ Best Man

UK wedding photographer Stacey Oliver was photographing a castle wedding ceremony earlier this month when an owl was brought out to bring the rings down the aisle. Things didn't exactly go according to plan, resulting in a series of very memorable wedding photos.

‘Stupid’ Photography Terms and Ideas for ‘Fixing’ Them

Photographers Tony & Chelsea Northrup made this educational and tongue-in-cheek 5-minute video in which they rant about how many of the most common terms in photography are "stupid" because they're often inherited from history (and therefore may not make sense immediately without digging deeper into each concept).

Google Photos’ AI Panorama Failed in the Best Way

Alex Harker was skiing with friends at the Lake Louise ski resort in Banff, Alberta, a week ago when the group stopped to take some photos on Harker's Android smartphone. After shooting a few shots, Harker found that the AI-powered panorama stitching feature inside his Google Photos app had created the photo above as the suggested panorama for his scene.

Who Invented the Selfie? Not Paris Hilton

The word "selfie" exploded into the mainstream over the past 5 years, but self-portraits have obviously been around much, much longer. Sarah Burton of BuzzFeed recently set out to discover the origins of the selfie. In this 7-minute video, take a trip through the history back to the birth of the selfie.

Hilariously Bad Family Photos Go Viral

This photo shoot just won the Internet... for how bad the Photoshop job was. Pam Dave Zaring says she got back her family photos from the professional photographer they hired... and nearly died laughing. She then posted the photos on Facebook, where they've been going absolutely viral.

This is What Camera Bag Marketing Hype is Like

It seems like every month there's an earth-shattering new camera bag that can hold ridiculous amounts of gear in an absurd number of compartments. Fstoppers decided to poke fun at this niche in the photo industry and created this humorous 3-minute sketch showing what camera bag marketing hype is like when you buy into it.

8 Ideas for Funny Portrait Photos

If you're looking for a wacky idea for portrait photos, check out this 4.5-minute video by COOPH. It's a collection of 8 wacky things you can do with things that you can mostly find around a home.

When Contour Makeup Goes Too Far…

Here's a lighthearted 2-minute sketch by CollegeHumor's Hot Date series, titled "Contour Makeup Has Gone Too Far." It's about a woman who takes her contouring makeup too far to look perfect in Instagram photos... at the expense of looking normal in real life.

This Guy Ruins His Friends’ Instagram Food Photos

In the age of Instagram, snapping a photo of a picture-perfect meal before eating it has become something of a ritual (science also suggests it helps food taste better). But one guy has made it a ritual of his own to ruin his friends' Instagram food photos and capture their horrified expressions.

Photos of Cats Doing Martial Arts

Hisakata Hiroyuki is a Japanese photographer who has focused his career on a rather unusual subject matter: action photos of cats that make them look like they're doing martial arts.