
Photographing Mushrooms in Their Natural World

I’ve taken quite some mushroom photos over the last few years and most of them were done with my macro lens. Mushrooms are often tiny, and it’s very inviting to single them out with a beautiful soft background. I wrote a specific article about this back in 2020.

How to Photograph Sun Rays in a Forest

The Speulderforest (“Het Speulderbos” in Dutch) is a beautiful and serene forest, and one of the best ways to capture its natural beauty is through photography. It’s one of the more popular forests when it comes to woodland photography in The Netherlands.

Woodland Photography In and Around the Indian Town of Pelling

Pelling is a town in the Himalayan state of Sikkim in India. It is surrounded by green lands, and white peaks are visible not very far away from here. The green lands on the mountain slopes had always called for woodland photography. With the Sun shining brightly, we went to have some fun in the woods during our stay at Pelling.

Photographing Red Squirrels from a Hide in an Irish Forest

Eurasian red squirrels are diminutive, skulking mammals with an extensive range from Ireland through Siberia to Japan. They are very photogenic and have that cute gene that really shouldn’t be a winner when it comes to evolution.

Shooting Daguerreotypes of California Redwoods

This trip has been waiting in the wings ever since I made my first successful daguerreotype in the redwoods two years ago. I actually planned on going as early as August this year, but one project after another kept getting in the way, and for months I kept pushing it back by a couple of weeks.

10 Tips for Photographing Little Mushrooms in the Forest

As I am a professional photographer and known mainly for my images with wide angle lenses, here is something new. It's been raining here for weeks already—not the greatest conditions for landscape photography—so I took out my macro lens to photograph some mushrooms in the forest. The great thing about this is that you can do this with any kind of light at any moment of the day.

Photos of One Forest in All Seasons

Throughout my years as a photographer, I’ve photographed the Dutch forests a lot. I love walking around in the forest on an early morning, clearing my mind, and photographing the first light peeking through the trees. Or shooting during foggy mornings, when the forest turns into a real-life fairytale.

Photos of Golden Autumn in the Netherlands

This autumn has been exceptionally beautiful in the Netherlands. Because of the interesting climate earlier this year with the extreme droughts we experienced, the trees are extremely colorful during the autumn period of this year. Trees that normally wouldn’t even turn yellow or reddish are now beautifully gold.

Bringing a Fairy Tale to Life: Creating a Convincing Composite Image

In my mind, the process of creating a compelling composite image is as close to painting as a photographer can get: it allows you to create almost purely from imagination, not being constricted by physical locations as with traditional photography.

Photos of the Strange ‘Crooked Forest’ in Poland

German photographer Kilian Schönberger recently shot a series of photos showing one of the most unusual forests in the world. Located near the city of Gryfino in West Poland, the so-called "Crooked Forest" has a grove of pine trees that are curved at the base.

Projector Brought Into the Forest Turns Nature Into a Glowing Wonderland

3D projections are often used nowadays to create eye-popping visuals on flat surfaces such as the sides of buildings or on basketball courts, but could the same concept be done out in the wild where things aren't flat and orderly? Photographer Tarek Mawad and animator Friedrich van Schoor recently decided to try it out.

What resulted is the video above, titled "Projections in the Forest". The two artists spent six weeks illuminating various things in nature with a powerful projector and then capturing the results on camera.

Time-Lapse: 15 Months of a Forest’s Life in 3 Minutes

Photographer Samuel Orr shot 40,000 photographs over 15 months (between 2006-2008) to create the time-lapse video seen above. It shows the view he had from his front window at the time, from his home in a wooded region just outside Bloomington, Indiana. The short is titled, "Forest Year."