
Taking Color Photos with Black and White Film

Photographer Jacob Carlson has put together a photography tutorial you don't expect to see in the year 2020. In his latest video, he'll show you how to use the 160-year-old three color process to capture color photos using black & white film.

Lomography Unveils New High Dynamic Range Black and White Film

Lomography continues to expand its "Kino" lineup of black and white film. Less than a month after announcing the dramatic high-contrast "Kino Fantôme " film, the brand has released a new, high dynamic range entry to the lineup: Babylon Kino B&W ISO 13.

8 Film Photography Tips for Beginners

Film photographer and YouTuber Willem Verbeek has released a helpful video for beginners that covers his 8 favorite film photography hacks and tips. Some are useful, some are obvious, and some are just good sense.

Ilford Has Shut Down Film Production Until Further Notice

UK-based film maker Ilford has shut down production for the foreseeable future. While the company is still allowed, legally speaking, to continue operations during the UK's country-wide lockdown, it has chosen to shut down manufacturing in order to prioritize the health and safety of its employees.

Make Your Own Film Developer and Fixer Using These Household Items

Last week, photographer Brendan Barry created a timely tutorial on how to turn your bedroom into a giant camera, and use it to take actual pictures. But what if you don't have any photographic chemicals around for developing and fixing those images? Barry's got you covered.

Lomography Unveils New, Super-High Contrast Black and White Film

Lomography has just announced a brand new high-contrast black and white film stock for 35mm SLRs. The soon-to-be-released Fantôme Kino B&W ISO 8 35mm Film is being hailed as "a monochrome masterpiece" that originates from a roll of German cinematic production film.

Ilford: Stockpile Rolls of Film, Not Toilet Paper

Yesterday, UK-based film manufacturer Ilford released an official company statement regarding its handling of the novel coronavirus pandemic. And while the statement covered all of the important updates, Ilford also took the opportunity to strike a cheeky, lighthearted note.

Film Simulation vs Actual Film: Fuji ACROS Comparison

The recent release of the Fujifilm XPro3 camera coincided with me getting some recently re-released Fujifilm ACROS 100II film. Given my love of Fujifilm digital cameras, film photography, and ACROS film, I desperately wanted to shoot and compare the new XPro3 alongside a rangefinder film camera.

This is What Happens When You Zap Exposed Film with Static Electricity

Our minds are so rarely silent. For those of us with anxiety disorders, the noise is constant. From what we’ll cook for dinner to the specifics of how our lives will end, there’s no shortage of things to worry about. But how does the creative mind function amid all this static?

Film Scanning Shootout: Drum Scan vs Flatbed vs DSLR

Film photographer, educator and YouTuber Nick Carver doesn't shoot digital, but he does scan his film for printing. So he recently embarked on an experiment to figure out which scanning technique is best: drum scanning, fluid mount flatbed scanning, or scanning your film using a DSLR and macro lens.

Why We Still Love Film: Embracing Analog Photography in the Digital Age

NBC documentary unit Left Field has created an interesting deep dive on the renaissance of film photography in the digital age. In the short doc, the Left Field team try to figure out why the analog process—so time consuming and expensive—has seen such a strong resurgence in recent years.

Film Photography Speeds Me Up

It’s been around a year since I switched to photographing on 35mm film for the majority of my work. Beyond a couple of false starts and some misconceptions, I think I’ve adjusted well, and I’m really happy to have made the change. Now that I have a good amount of work to reference, I’ve been thinking a lot about some of the adjustments I needed to make in order to adapt to a film mindset.