
How I Built a Custom Charging Board for All of My Camera Batteries

Recently I became—as I’m sure many of you already are—utterly sick of the endless chargers and cables in my studio. It's a mess of wires that always seem to get tangled and it always ends up looking like Medusa on a bad hair day.

Create a DIY Battery Charging Board to Help Organize Your ‘Battery Insanity’

If you have multiple cameras and powered accessories at your disposal, you know that battery charging can quickly become an unorganized nightmare. Prepared to solve one of humanity’s greatest first world problems, the team at Vimeo Video School set out to create a neatly arranged battery charging board. If you choose to follow along and build your own, all you’ll need for this DIY project are a few simple supplies from your local hardware store.

Newly Developed Lithium-ion Batteries Have Lifespan of Over 20 Years

If you've ever used a lithium-ion battery for many years, you've probably experienced the gradual loss of the ability to hold charge over time. Thanks to researchers over in Singapore, however, future Li-ion batteries will last much, much longer than present day ones.

Scientists at Nanyang Technology University have developed a new type of lithium ion battery that can reach a 70% charge in a mere two minutes and will keep charging day in and day out for over 20 years. Yes, you read that right. Two decades.

The FlameStower Lets You Charge Your Gear On the Go Using Fire

Outdoor loving photographers who are often far away from power grids don't have too many options when it comes to charging up their gear. Without a generator you're pretty much left with batteries and solar chargers.

But the guys behind the FlameStower didn't like either of those options, so they came up with a third. Instead of using batteries or the sun, they decided to use fire.