
A Guide to Switching from Nikon to Sony for Wedding Photography

After almost a decade of photographing weddings with Nikon cameras, we decided to trade our D750 cameras for the Sony a7 III. Here are a few thoughts on how the process went and why we feel it was the right decision.

The Cameras Seen in Movies and TV Shows

Want to see which cameras are used by characters in movies and TV shows? Product Placement Blog is a website that tracks brands that appear on screen, and one of the categories on the site is cameras.

This Man Collects Mid-Century Modern Cameras

David Silver is a San Francisco-based camera collector who began collecting vintage cameras as a young man, eventually amassing over 2,300 of them. He has since developed a focus and whittled his collection down to a little over 200 of them. Here's a 5-minute video by Gizmodo that profiles Silver.

X-Ray Photos Reveal the Evolution of Cameras

Fossils can tell us a lot about the history of living things. Photographer Kent Krugh is creating a "fossil record" of sorts for cameras. His project Speciation is a series of X-ray photos of cameras that provides a brief history of photography, as told through the evolution of the camera.

The Death of DSLRs is Near

Two decades ago, DSLRs were introduced to replace film cameras. With only a few megapixels, very short battery life, and an overall low quality, it was only natural that most photographers were very skeptical at first. It took a few generations until digital cameras were fully accepted and analog photography was left to the enthusiasts rather than the professionals.

The 5 Reasons Why I Switched Back to Canon from Sony

There are many reasons why people may like one brand of camera equipment versus another. And if you ask a room full of photographers which camera manufacturer they like the best, and why, you will often get a wide range of responses and opinions.

11 Dumb Things Camera Companies Are Still Doing

As much as we talk about the lack of true innovation in the camera market, particularly when it comes to integration with the Internet and social media, every day I keep encountering cameras that have the same "hey this is the way it used to be" design philosophies underlying them.

Dear Canon, What Happened To Your Innovation?

Dear Canon,

You and I have had a very, very long friendship that has lasted many years and many, many generations of cameras. Ever since my first camera purchase, you have been my brand of choice. I still have my original Canon IXUS 40 and multiple generations of full frame and APS-C SLRs going back as far as the 450D, which was released in March 2008.

A New Camera Just Came Out

There was a new camera that was just announced. It's really good, apparently. It's got more megapixels. A brighter screen. It can stack lots of images together. It does everything you've ever wanted.

A $50 Camera vs. a $50,000 Camera

Ever wondered why the expensive cinema cameras cost what they do? In this featherweight vs. heavyweight comparison, Sam and Niko put a $50 Sony HDR-CX405 camcorder to the test against a RED Epic Dragon 6K cinema camera worth about $50,000.

The Star Eater Issue: Why I No Longer Recommend Sony Cameras for Astrophotography

Sony makes excellent cameras. In the last few years, they launched a completely new full frame camera system that has pushed the bounds of digital photography. I switched entirely to Sony gear after first seeing the tremendous low-light capability of their a7S and have enjoyed many outings shooting astrophotography on many different Sony camera bodies since.

The Evolution of Canon EOS Cameras Over the Past 30 Years

The Canon EOS (Electro-Optical System) ecosystem was born 30 years ago with the introduction of the Canon EOS 650 35mm SLR on March 2nd, 1987. Since then, over 70 EOS cameras have been launched. Here's a 1.5-minute video by Digital Camera Warehouse that shows the evolution of EOS cameras over three decades.

Nikon Unveils 100th Anniversary Cameras, Lenses, and… Other Stuff

Those slick gun-metal gray Nikon 100th anniversary special-edition cameras and lenses we told you about at the end of February have officially arrived. As it turns out, people who want to celebrate Nikon's centennial in style will have a lot more options than just DSLRs and lenses to choose from.

Fujifilm X-T2/X-Pro2 Firmware Update to Bring 33 Improvements

Fujifilm has a history of releasing firmware updates so significant that you feel like you're downloading a brand new camera. The company has just announced this type of upcoming update to the X-T2 and X-Pro2: the new firmware will bring a whopping 33 functional and operational improvements.

4 Cool and Unusual Used Cameras Found in Tokyo

Japanese camera manufacturers dominate the digital photography landscape, so it might come as a surprise that the used film camera market is also thriving in Tokyo.

Fujifilm X-Pro2 vs Leica M: Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery?

I am one of the lucky few to have grown up with Leica. It is weird to critically think about the irrational purchase of such an expensive camera as new digital models are released, but if you grew up with a Leica in your life it is very hard to let go of the brand.

These Fujifilm Monochrome Cameras Are $4,800+ Cheaper Than Leica’s

The Leica M Monochrom is special in the Leica lineup due to the fact that it lacks a color filter, which improves image quality and restricts the camera to shooting black and white. If you'd like a monochrome-only camera but don't want to shell out $7,450 for the latest Leica M Monochrom, there are now converted Fujifilm cameras for a cheaper alternative.