Search Results for: color theory

8 Ways Storytelling Can Improve Your Photos and Videos

Photography and filmmaking wasn’t always a part of Kane Andrade’s career path. The San Francisco Bay Area native and Adobe Lightroom Ambassador originally was interested in animation before joining the military. That military experience would wound up changing the course of his life and ignited the flame that inspired him to tell the seldom heard stories of those within his community.

Sapna Reddy: Full-Time Physician and Pro Landscape Photographer

There are many passionate and talented photographers who wonder whether they should quit their full-time job to pursue photography professionally. Sapna Reddy is a photographer who proves you don't need to -- she has dual careers as both a full-time physician as well as a professional landscape photographer.

10 Best Free Online Photography Courses in 2024

With every year that goes past, photography becomes more and more accessible to the average person. Compared to even a decade ago, even the most basic cameras – including those on your smartphone – produce excellent images. Moreover, you can find plenty of free resources and classes that give you all the information you need to succeed.


5 Tips for Shooting Better Product Photos

Product photography can be one of the most overlooked, and yet, most valuable genres of the craft for a creative. While many feel product photos just mean placing an object on a table and snapping a quick photo, it is actually much more complex and requires the right equipment, space, lighting, and most importantly, the vision to produce breathtaking images that will make a view interested in purchasing the product.

5 Things Photographers Can Learn from Cinematic Lighting

One of the bigger personal projects I’ve been working on recently is my Cinematic Studio Lighting course. During the process of writing the accompanying notes and shooting promotional images for the event, I’ve done a ton of research on how cinematographers and directors of photography work, think, and plan their shots.

How to Create More Impactful Landscape Photos

Composition is one of the most important factors in creating impactful and memorable photos. It doesn’t matter how fascinating the conditions are; images that lack a solid composition are less likely to be remembered.

The Art of Seeing as a Photographer

When I look back at my journey as a wildlife photographer especially as I scroll through my images on my editing screen a few things become apparent. Firstly, most of my pictures were either action or close up portrait, and secondly, the editing was awful.

From Lighting Test to Album Cover: The Tale of a Photo in the Social Media Age

As a photographer in 2018, I can’t help but think of my photos as drops in an ocean of imagery. Here are a few quick stats: There are over 60 million photos uploaded to Instagram every day (not to mention Instagram stories). Then there are the photos posted to Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook (some people still use it, right?), blogs, etc, etc.

Early Photos vs. Now: Seeing Progress as a Photographer

Whelp! The Internet reminded me a few days back that I’ve officially been shooting photography for over 10 years now. I’ll be honest, I thought my progress would have been further. I assume the end of my life will be something like what I am currently experiencing, which is “Wow, that went fast.” It seems I’m just barely starting to grasp the wise words of my elders when they told me “Time goes quicker than you think.”

5 Professional Product Photography Tips

As the digital marketplace grows, the demand for good content and eye catching media increases with it. More and more brands and entrepreneurs are taking the photography in-house to keep up with demand, while keeping production costs down.

As a product photographer recognizing the need for assistance, I wanted take the time to share 5 key thoughts and tips that could be useful.

28 Composition Techniques That Will Improve Your Photos

There are no unbreakable rules when it comes to how you should compose your photographs. After all, who likes rules except for your old school principal or heads of H.R. departments? There are, however, several photography composition guidelines you can use to help improve the composition of your photos.

A split image showing a blue bird on the left standing on sandy ground and on the right standing on a rocky surface, highlighting its vibrant blue and brown plumage in different environments.

How an Enthusiastic New Photographer Made Birding History

41-year-old musician and school band director Michael Sanchez bought his first camera just a month ago. Last week, while trying to get nice sunrise landscape shots at Hug Point along the Oregon coast, Sanchez took photos of a small, dark-looking bird in the dim dawn light. While not initially realizing it, Sanchez had captured some of the only photos ever of a blue rock thrush (Monticola solitarius) in North American history.

Purple swirls and stars as found in star cluster IC 348.

Webb Identifies a Tiny Brown Dwarf That Defies Explanation

Even as telescopes and observatories uncover more details about space, it remains mysterious. One puzzle revolves around the "smallest object that can form in a star-like manner," according to NASA. With the help of the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists have identified a new record holder for that category: a free-floating brown dwarf.

Randy Johnson: From Hall of Fame Pitcher to Pro Photographer

Hall of Fame baseball pitcher Randy Johnson is a passionate and skillful photographer pursuing wildlife, music concerts, and travel photography. When Johnson retired from Major League Baseball in 2010, he returned to his photography major (photojournalism) from 1983 to 1985 at the University of Southern California.